
Pandora Security Driver for NodeJS
pandora security cryptograpy driver

Pandora Security Driver for NodeJS

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An official NodeJS library which will help any NodeJS application to communicate with Pandora Security Box APIs.

List of Contents

Getting Started

This library is available through a package manager of your choice (npm or yarn).


For this library to be functional, you shall:

  1. have your application registered with Pandora's Author and get your application GUID; and
  2. have Pandora installed on your system.

For more information about registering an application and installing Pandora, please visit Pandora official page.


To get Pandora included on your project, use a package manager to add the library.

# If you're using NPM
npm install pandora-security --save

# If you're using Yarn
yarn add pandora-security

Then, include Pandora your project. If you are using the new ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015) and later, you may use the import statement. However, if you are using ECMAScript 5 and older, you may use the require statement.

// ES6 and later
import {Pandora} from "pandora-security";

// ES5 and older
var Pandora = require("pandora-security").Pandora;

Note: Pandora already comes with TypeScript and type definition support.


Pandora class provide representation of Pandora APIs that bound specifically to your application by the provided application GUID.

Pandora Class

Documentation about the Pandora class will be available soon. For now, please look into the type definition provided within the library.

Built With

Written in TypeScript, built into ECMAScript 5 using the TypeScript compiler.


To contribute, simply fork this project, and issue a pull request.

Version Management

We use Semantic Versioning for version management. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Danang Galuh Tegar Prasetyo - Initial work - danang-id


Pandora Security Driver for NodeJS is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details

npm i pandora-security


