
A Pa11y 2.0+ reporter which outputs the 1.0 JSON format
pa11y reporter

Pa11y JSON 1.0 Reporter [Deprecated]

A reporter for Pa11y 2.0+ which outputs 1.0-style JSON.

NPM version Node.js version support Build status Dependencies GPLv3 licensed

pa11y --reporter 1.0-json

:skull: Please note: this reporter is now deprecated and will no longer be supported by the Pa11y team. :skull:

Refer to the Pa11y Migration Guide to update any applications that still expect Pa11y 1.0 JSON format. Alternatively, you're welcome to published your own reporter using modern Pa11y's reporters interface.


Install Pa11y and Pa11y JSON 1.0 Reporter with npm:

npm install -g pa11y
npm install -g pa11y-reporter-1.0-json

Use the reporter with the --reporter flag:

pa11y --reporter 1.0-json

You'll get the 1.0-style JSON:

    "isPerfect": Boolean,
    "count": {
        "total": Number,
        "error": Number,
        "warning": Number,
        "notice": Number
    "results": Array


To contribute to Pa11y JSON 1.0 Reporter, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch.

Please check that everything works by running the following before opening a pull-request:

make ci


Pa11y JSON 1.0 Reporter is licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL-3.0).
Copyright © 2015–2017, Team Pa11y

npm i pa11y-reporter-1.0-json

