
A deterministic couchdb replication watcher
couchdb replication watcher overwatch follow


A deterministic couchdb replication watcher.

Overwatch is an EventEmitter that emits events reflecting various states of the couches it watches. It has a fairly simple api that allows you to easily watch and monitor bi-directional replication.

Please note that we currently make the assumption that these databases are already replicating and we are just monitoring that this assumption is true.


The design here is based around a hub-and-spoke concept of replication. This means that we take one hub couch and allow n number of spokes that all replicate through the hub couch. This prevents redundant replication and makes the replication model much simpler.



In overwatch, followers are the data structure of follow feeds that are used to monitor the changes feeds of each couchdb that you would like. The various databases are correctly associated with the feeds for all of the couches being monitored. This allows us to set proper fulfillments.


The follow feeds have two states, bufferChange and processChange. The bufferChange state allows us to buffer all of the past changes from CouchDB to be re-emitted when we want to process them. The timing for processing is key here as we do not want to begin processing until ALL couches at a particular database our caught up on their changes. When this occurs, we perform a full audit of the couches for that database and begin setting fulfillments.


overwatch has this concept of fulfillments which is a timer that is set for each time we receive a new change event from follow. Since we are listening on multiple couch _changes feeds to ensure replication is occurring, we need a way to determinsitically evaluate that this occured. If two CouchDBs are assumed to be replicating their foo databases, if we receive a change on one and not the other (with some extra checking involved), CouchDB has failed to fulfill its promise to us. This is where we emit the unfulfilled event for you to take action on this!


Standard Usage

var overwatch = require('overwatch');

var watcher = overwatch({
  // For each couch that is not the hub, it has an optional `pullOnly` property
  // if you do not need to ensure bi-directional replication.
  // Also, the set of dbs for replication will be pulled from the `hub` couch
  // by default if they are not specified directly
  couches: [
    { url: 'http://username:[email protected]', hub: true },
    { url: 'http://localhost:5984' }
  // Fulfillment timeout.
  timeout: 5000,
  // Database filter function if you want to ignore replication for a particular databases
  filter: function (db) { return !/somethingIDontCareAbout/.test(db) },

  // `follow` options for the underlying `follow` instances
  follow: {
    inactivity_ms: 1800000

// Listen on some events with your own functions
watcher.on('error', function (err) {
  // Remark: this error is probably from `follow` and we should crash as its
  // probably an unresponsive couch and we have bigger problems.
  // This is tweaked through setting the `inactivity_ms` in the follow options object.

// We are now listening on live changes for all feeds for this database
watcher.on('live', function (db) {
  console.log('Watching on live changes for ' + db);

// Log some events when we process each change for each couch and database
watcher.on('processChange', function (change) {
  console.log('processing change');
  console.log('couch url ' + change.couch)
  console.log('database ' + change.db);
  console.log('revision ' + change.rev);
  console.log('doc id ' + change.id);
  console.log('update seq ' + change.seq);

// Oh gosh couch failed to fulfill its promise to replicate :'(.
// Bad couchdb
watcher.on('unfulfilled', function (unfulfilled) {
  var source = unfulfilled.source,
      target = unfulfilled.target,
      error = unfulfilled.error,
      db    = unfulfilled.db;

  console.log('We failed to replicate from '
    + source + ' to ' + target + ' for database ' + db);
  console.log('We should probably take some action');

// Emits when we are listening on live changes for a particular couch and
// database. It is a proxy of `follow`s catchup event and is just a signal of
// progress in the initialization. We may still be buffering events if this is
// not the last database to catchup
watcher.on('catchUp', function(feed) {
  console.log('Feed for ' + feed.db ' on couch url' + feed.couch
    + ' is caught up with sequence id ' + feed.seq);

Configure DBs

If you don't want to filter off of a call to _all_dbs on the hub couch, we also support specifying the dbs in an array directly!

Note: The dbs still need to exist or follow will be very unhappy with you

var Overwatch = require('overwatch');

// Remark: subtle note that we support calling with or without `new`
var watcher = new Overwatch({
  couches: [
    { url: 'http://username:[email protected]', hub: true },
    { url: 'http://localhost:5984' }
  dbs: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

watcher.on('unfulfilled', function (unfulfilled) {
  // Same as above example
npm i overwatch


  • MIT
  • 0.10.x
  • Jarrett Cruger
  • released 4/3/2014

