
cli utils for mdx-deck based showcases
whotheheck mdx slides utils cli


cli utils for mdx-deck based showcases

These utilities are designed to simplify the creation and especially the publishing of mdx-deck based galleries. Slides are defined as .mdx files in the directory in addition to index.mdx, which should provide an overview of the slides. Slides and files stored in ./assets are published successively in the ./public directory, which can be delivered using serve-handler.

The name is based on the Musée d'Orsay - mdo - a famous gallery.


For installation use the Node Package Manager:

$ npm i -g orsay


orsay publish [name] [-f|--force]

Publish all <slide>.mdx files in the root directory to ./public/<slide>/.
Except for index.mdx which gets published to ./public/.
Additionally, ./assets/ gets cloned to ./public/assets/.

  • name
    Optional file in the root directory which should be published exclusively.
    Files with and without .mdx extension are allowed.
    If enabled the script behaves like with an enabled -f flag.

  • -f|--force
    Optional flag to enable the force mode.
    The force mode re-publishes even already published slides.

orsay hide [name]

Unpublish all files related to <slide>.mdx from ./public/.

  • name
    File in the root directory which should be unpublished exclusively.
    Files with and without .mdx extension are allowed.

orsay dev <name>

Run a specific slide in the root directory in development mode.
The view gets updated automatically and runs at :8080.

orsay serve [-c|--config] [-m|--merge]

Saves the default serve configs in root directory.
Redirects ./public/:id/card.png to ./:id/card.png as well as ./public/:id/ to ./:id/.

  • -c|--config
    Optional flag to pass relative path of additional config file.

  • -m|--merge
    Optional flag to deepmerge the custom with the default configs.
    Otherwise it gets replaced.


Fork this repository and push in your ideas.

Do not forget to add corresponding tests to keep up 100% test coverage.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Felix Heck
  • released 8/25/2018

