
A drop-in "PJAX" solution for fluid, smooth transitions between pages. **2.87kb gzipped.** Zero stress.
ajax routing pjax ajaxify single page application


A drop-in "PJAX" solution for fluid, smooth transitions between pages. 2.87kb gzipped. Zero stress.



  1. Simple config
  2. Easily handle transitions with CSS
  3. Pages are cached after initial visit
  4. Pre-cache select pages, as needed
  5. Parametized routes
  6. Async-by-default, easy data loading between routes
  7. Manages scroll position between route changes
  8. Client-side redirects


npm i operator.js --save


Import the library and call it with an empty object to use the default options.

import operator from 'operator.js'

const app = operator({})

Operator requires a single wrapper around each of your pages.

<div id='root'>
  <!--> Page content here <!-->

You'll also want some minimal CSS. Below is a basic fade-in/fade-out effect.

#root {
  transition: opacity var(--fast) var(--ease);
.operator-is-transitioning #root {
  opacity: 0;

And that's it. Internal links will now smoothly transition automatically.


The operator factory accepts a single options object.

const app = operator({
  // options

Available options

root - string

The id of your outer wrapper. Default: root.

const app = operator({
  root: 'root'

transitionSpeed - number

The speed of your CSS transition, can be any number (milliseconds). Default: 0.

const app = operator({
  transitionSpeed: 400

routes - object

An object where the keys are the routes and values are the route handlers. Each handler should return true to allow operator to follow the route. If you return false, the route will be followed via a normal page load. This is useful for a variety of reasons.

Handlers can also return an instance of Promise. Within this Promise, you can request data for the next route, perform custom animations, or whatever you want. Operator will wait until the promise resolves before transitioning to the next route. Magic.

Additionally, handlers can return a string that represents a path to redirect to. This path can be returned synchronously, or as the resolved value of a promise. See Client-side Redirects for an example.

Routes configured on the initial instance are executed immediately when the page loads.

const app = operator({
  routes: {
    '/products/:id': ({ id }) => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        api.getProductById(id).then(product => {
    '*': () => {
       * Could perform custom transitions
       * on each route
      return true

evaluateScripts (experimental) - boolean

If true, operator will parse each new route and attempt to re-mount scripts to the page. It does this by recreating each script tag and appending it to the DOM.


on(event, callback)

Listen for emitted events from the instance. These can be useful to transitions, destroying other library instances, or initiating new instances.

app.on('beforeRender', (newRoute) => {})
app.on('afterRender', () => {})


Navigate to a route.


push(route[, title])

Push a new path and title to history without loading any data. Useful for filtering, modals, etc.

app.push('/products?sort=price', 'Filtered by Price')


Cache a request for an arbitrary route. The method also returns a Promise that resolves with the requested page.

app.prefetch('/about').then(markup => {
  // do something with page markup

addRoute(route, handler)

Adds a route and handler. Routes added with this method are not executed on initial startup.

app.addRoute('/products/:id', ({ id }) => {
  // do something with product id
  return true


Disable operator without destorying the instance.


Re-enable operator after disabling it.


Check if operator is enabled. Returns true or false.


Stop everything. Pretty straighforward.

Advanced Usage

Code splitting

Operator doesn't do anything specifically to aid your in code splitting, but the async route handlers mean you can load the scripts for a new route before it's rendered, which keeps things buttery smooth.

With webpack, it looks like this:

app.addRoute('/products/*', () => {
  return import('flickity').then(flickity => {
    window.Flickity = flickity

Client-side redirects

To create simple client side redirects, just return the path you wish to redirect to from your route handler.

const app = operator({
  routes: {
    '/products/:id': ({ id }) => {
      if (id === 'some-product') {
        return '/products/all'
      } else {
        return true
    '/about': () => {
      return fetchAboutDataFromAPI().then(data => {
        if (data.hasRedirect) {
          return '/'
        } else {
          return true


Related Projects

Sites Using Operator

MIT License


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • estrattonbailey
  • released 10/16/2017

