
Return one when is have only one item, return all when is have more then one item.
one or all one-or one-all or-one or-all all-one all-or and 7 more...


Return one when is have only one item, return all when is have more then one item

Usage: oneOrAll<T>(array: Array<T> | T, callbackfn?): Array<T> | T

import { oneOrAll } from 'one-or-all'

oneOrAll(['item']) // Return one when is have only one item
// Output: 'item'
oneOrAll(['item', 'item2']) // Return all when is have more then one item
// Output: ['item', 'item2']
oneOrAll('item') // Return the value when is have value that are not array
// Output: 'item'
oneOrAll([]) // Ignore when its not have an items
// Output: undefined
oneOrAll([2], (value)=>value * 2) // callback for one - return the callback result
// Output: 4
oneOrAll([2, 4], (value)=>value * 2) // callback for many - return array of callback result
// Output: [4, 8]

This module exported from utilizes project.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Natan Farkash
  • released 1/15/2019

