
Load OJ files into your WebPack bundle! Write your app like you haven't done before.
oj objective-j objective-oj objective-c webpack compiler compile

The OJ loader for WebPack - An objective foresight!

Have you seen objective-j before - or are you a fan of the ObjC language itself? Or are you just looking for somethign that can make your code quite unique on its own? Maybe OJ is something for you then!

The OJ loader transforms your OJ scripts (.oj) into pure JavaScript, supporting SourceMaps and other cool features!

You can learn more about OJ at it's GitHub repository!

Get it!

Very easy:

npm install oj-loader


Just like any other loader, you will have to tell WebPac to load .oj files using this loader. You have to know, though, that this loader injects a runtime. That means, it will add an additional file into the pack. If you are using a code obfuscator, make sure to whitelist $oj_oj. Read more on OJ's README.



module.exports = {
    entry: "<your entry file>",
    output: {
        path: __dirname,
        filename: "app.js"
    resolve: {
        extensions: ["",".js",".json",".oj"],
    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.oj$/, loader: "oj" }

Usually, you'd supply something like myapp.js into the entry section of the configuration. But if you have the OJ loader installed, you can also use a .oj file as an entry!

It's important to note, that you should add an entry to resolve.extensions to resolve files with the .oj extension.


Since this loader is now using the OhSoJuicy layer, it also supports middlewares. A default and always-usable middleware is the preprocessor which is strongly advised to be used since traditional require() does not work very well with OJ files. Here is an example configuration:

var juicy = require("oj-loader").juicy;
module.exports = {
    entry: "<your entry...>",
    output: {
        filename: "app.js",
        path: __dirname
    resolve: {
        extensions: ["",".js",".json",".oj"],
    module: {
        loaders: [
            {test: /\.oj$/, loader: require.resolve("../")}
    oj: {
        // Pre-compile middlewares
        pre: [

        // Post-compile middlewares. Note your order, the last one's output goes to WebPack!
        post: [],

        // These are merged with the options supplied through the query.
        // Feel free to configure the laoder entirely using this object.
        options: {
            preprocessor: {
                include_path: [__dirname],
                defines: {
                    APP: JSON.stringify("Testing")

The preprocessor is still in development but works like the traditional C preprocessor. I.e., there are two kinds of includes, if-clauses and alike. Examples:

// Include a file in the local folder. Use a relative path here. You can ommit the "./" part.
#include "file.oj"

// Include a file from the search path.
#include <Foundation/Dialog.oj>

// The usual. Tokens must be singular. I.e., a space before and after them.
#define FOO 1
function Foozer() { return FOO ; }

// This also exists. There is `ifdef`, `ifndef`, `elif` and `else`. Finish using `endif`.
#ifndef FOO
var FOO = 1;
// FOO defined.

Your first OJ script (bard.oj)

@implementation Bard {}
+(void)tellAStoryAbout:(string)name at:(string)at {
    alert("This is a story about "+name+" who lives at "+at+"!");

Now we have a very tiny and basic class. In order to use it, we do it like this:

Entry (main.oj)

// Looking familiar?
#include "bard.oj"

// Now to invoke it's story method.
[Bard tellAStoryAbout:"Foo" at:"Bazland"];

You can forward-declare something using @class too, similar to how a header works in C/C++. However, you'll likely not need it.

If you now used main.oj and bard.oj in the same folder, and webpack'ed them together, then you would be able to see your result containing the compiled result of the files, plus the OJ runtime. Running this in your browser will result in a new alert with the story. :)

By the way, OJ works in the browser and NodeJS.

Supported WebPack features

  • Mimimize: When WebPack is in mimimize mode, OJ's squeeze method is applied, effectively shrinking idendifier names. I.e. $oj_c_Bard becomes $oj$a. This works very well with WebPack's builtin UglifyJS!
  • SourceMap: When enabled, this loader tries to emit a SourceMap. Though, this seems to not work as expected. The map is returned properly, but WebPack prints "null" to the output.
  • Cacheable: The output can be cached easily.

If there are more cool features I didn't notice yet, let me know!

Learn more!

The above example is ultra simple and does not use the TypeChecker. So you don't even need to specify type names as you'd usually do in Objective-C. But the TypeChecker is target to be implemented ASAP.

To learn more about OJ, visit it's GitHub repository.



npm i oj-loader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ingwie Phoenix
  • released 9/5/2015

