
oclif plugin for generating shell completions
oclif oclif-plugin shell zsh completion autocomplete

oclif Plugin Version License

oclif Plugin: completion

oclif plugin for generating shell completions

Completion Features

Consider the following dummy CLI:

Usage: dummy <COMMAND> [OPTION...]


  open   <ro|rw>      open a dummy (as read-only or read-write)
  save                save a dummy
  search              search a dummy

Options (open):

  -i, --id            dummy id
  -f, --file          path to dummy file
  -d, --dir           path to dummy directory (default: ./dummies)
  -v, --verbose       boolean flag

Options (save):

  -n, --name          dummy name
  -a, --age           dummy age
  -t, --tag           dummy tag, can be multiple (a/b/c/d)
  -f, --file          path to dummy file
  -d, --dir           path to dummy directory (default: ./dummies)
  -o, --overwrite     boolean flag
  -v, --verbose       boolean flag

Options (search):

  -n, --name          dummy name
  -a, --age           dummy age
  -t, --tag           dummy tag, can be multiple (a/b/c/d)
  -v, --verbose       boolean flag

Running on the current directory with tree:

|- dir-one/
|  |- 042.dummy-with-id-042.json
|- dir-two/
|- dummies/
|  |- 109.dummy-with-id-109.json
|  |- 110.dummy-with-id-110.json
|  |- 111.dummy-with-id-111.json
|- file-one.txt
|- file-two.txt

Features Description

File Path completion:

Completion will suggest the files on disk matching glob pattern.

Directory Path completion:

Completion will suggest the directories on disk matching glob pattern.

Dynamic Runtime completion:

Completion will generate the suggestion based on state of runtime environment and/or configuration.

Features Examples

Feature Input Output
File Path completion dummy open --file=./dir/one/<TAB> 042.dummy-with-id-042.json
Directory Path completion dummy open --dir ./di<TAB> dir-one dir-two
Dynamic Runtime completion dummy open --id <TAB> 109 110 111
Dynamic Runtime completion dummy open -d ./dir-one --id <TAB> 042

Feature Support Matrix

:+1: :-1: :grey_exclamation: :bug: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_minus_sign: :x:
Supported Unsupported Unknown Bug Implemented Partially Implemented Not Implemented
oclif Feature Example Bash Zsh Fish
:+1: Positional argument ro :grey_exclamation: :x: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :grey_exclamation: :x:
:+1: Basic Long --name john --age 42 --overwrite :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Alternate Long --name=john --age=42 :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Basic Short -n john -a 42 -o :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Alternative Short -njohn -a42 :+1: :x: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Stacking Short -ov :grey_exclamation: :x: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Stacking Short with argument -ova 42 :grey_exclamation: :x: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: Options / Enum --tag a :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark: :+1: :heavy_check_mark:
:+1: :bug: Multiple -t c --tag d :+1: :heavy_minus_sign: :+1: :heavy_minus_sign: :+1: :heavy_minus_sign:
:-1: File Path completion --file ... :+1: :heavy_minus_sign: :+1: :x: :+1: :heavy_minus_sign:
:-1: Directory Path completion --dir ... :+1: :heavy_minus_sign: :+1: :x: :+1: :heavy_minus_sign:
:-1: Dynamic Runtime completion --dir ./dummies --id 111 :+1: :x: :+1: :x: :+1: :x:

Supported Shells


Reference: Bash Completion

You need to have bash-completion package installed on your system.

Bash Usage

You can enable completion for Bash using various methods. A few of them are mentioned below:

vanilla (.bashrc):

Add the following line in your .bashrc file:

eval "$(dummy completion:generate --shell bash);"

vanilla (completions directory):

Run the following command:

dummy completion:generate --shell bash | tee ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/dummy

Depending on you system, the completion script can also be put into one of these directories:

  • ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/bash-completion/completions (linux/macos)
  • /usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions (macos)
  • /usr/share/bash-completion/completions (linux)


Reference: Zsh Completion System

Zsh Usage

You can enable completion for Zsh using various methods. A few of them are mentioned below:

vanilla (.zshrc):

Add the following line in your .zshrc file:

eval "$(dummy completion:generate --shell zsh); compdef _dummy dummy;"

vanilla (site-functions directory):

Run the following command:

dummy completion:generate --shell zsh | tee "$(echo ${FPATH} | tr ':' '\n' | grep site-functions | head -n1)/_dummy"

The completion script can also be put into one of the directories present in $FPATH variable:

echo $FPATH


Run the following commands:

dummy completion:generate --shell zsh > ~/.local/share/zsh/completions/_dummy
zinit creinstall ~/.local/share/zsh/completions


Reference: Fish Completion

Fish Usage

Reference: Where to put completions

You can enable completion for Fish using various methods. A few of them are mentioned below:

vanilla (completions directory):

Run the following command:

dummy completion:generate --shell fish | tee ~/.config/fish/completions/dummy.fish


dummy completion

Generate shell completion script

  $ dummy completion

  -s, --shell=bash|fish|zsh  (required) Name of shell

  Run this command to see instructions for your shell.

  $ dummy completion --shell zsh

See code: src/commands/completion/index.ts

dummy completion:generate

Generates completion script

  $ dummy completion:generate

  -s, --shell=bash|fish|zsh  (required) Name of shell

  Run the "completion" command to see instructions about how to use the script generated by this command.

  $ dummy completion:generate --shell zsh

See code: src/commands/completion/generate/index.ts

dummy completion:generate:alias ALIAS

Generates completion script for alias

  $ dummy completion:generate:alias ALIAS

  ALIAS  name of the alias

  -s, --shell=bash|fish  (required) Name of shell

  This needs the completion script for the main command to be present.

  Check the "completion:generate" command.

See code: src/commands/completion/generate/alias.ts


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Munif Tanjim
  • released 3/20/2021

