
React hooks for RxJS Observables. Simple, flexible, testable and performant.
react hooks observable rxjs async


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React hooks for RxJS Observables. Simple, flexible, testable and performant.

  • Seamless integration of React and RxJS.
    • Props and states to Observables.
    • Observables to states and props events.
    • Conditional rendering with stream of React Components.
    • Render-as-You-Fetch with React Suspense.
    • No tap hack needed. With Epic-like signature Observable operation is pure and testable.
  • Full-powered RxJS. Do whatever you want with Observables. No limitation nor compromise.
  • Fully tested. We believe in stability first. This project will always maintain a 100% coverage.
  • Tiny and fast. A lot of efforts had been put into improving integration. This library should have zero visible impact on performance.
  • Compatible with RxJS 6 & 7.


React added hooks for reusing stateful logic.

Observable is a powerful way to encapsulate both sync and async logic.

Testing Observables is also way easier than testing other async implementations.

With observable-hooks we can create rich reusable Components with ease.

What It Is Not

This library is not for replacing state management tools like Redux but to reduce the need of dumping everything into global state.

Using this library does not mean you have to turn everything observable which is not encouraged. It plays well side by side with other hooks. Use it only on places where it's needed.

At First Glance

import * as React from "react";
import { useObservableState } from "observable-hooks";
import { timer } from "rxjs";
import { switchMap, mapTo, startWith } from "rxjs/operators";

const App = () => {
  const [isTyping, updateIsTyping] = useObservableState(

  return (
      <input type="text" onKeyDown={updateIsTyping} />
      <p>{isTyping ? "Good you are typing." : "Why stop typing?"}</p>

// Logic is pure and can be tested like Epic in redux-observable
function transformTypingStatus(event$) {
  return event$.pipe(
    switchMap(() => timer(1000).pipe(mapTo(false), startWith(true)))



yarn add observable-hooks


npm install --save observable-hooks


Read the docs at https://observable-hooks.js.org.

Here is how I designed the API. Might give you a perspective on when use what.


Examples are in here. Play on CodeSandbox:

Note that there are also some useful utilities for common use cases to reduce garbage collection.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • released 9/23/2022

