
Get Mocha, Chai, Proxyquire and Sinon-as-promised in one package! =========================================== Skip the boilerplate, just one line per test is required

Get Mocha, Chai, Proxyquire and Sinon-as-promised in one package!

Skip the boilerplate, just one line per test is required

var oboy = require('oboy')
oboy((expect, proxyquire) => {
________ ___.                 ._.
\_____  \\_ |__   ____ ___.__.| |
 /   |   \| __ \ /  _ <   |  || |
/    |    \ \_\ (  <_> )___  | \|
\_______  /___  /\____// ____| __
        \/    \/       \/      \/


It took too much boilerplate to include and configure my favorite assert libs together for every project. Now I just need one: Oboy. If you also use chai, sinon-as-promised, mocha and proxyquire - just install Oboy instead, batteries included.

To use

npm install --save-dev oboy

Write your tests:

var oboy = require('oboy') // this 
oboy((expect, sinon, proxyquire) => {
  describe('something', _=>{
    it('works', (done) => {

  [... more tests]


Dynamic bindings

oboy(should, proxyquire) 

works just as well as:

oboy(proxyquire, should, sinon) 

Run your tests

Since Mocha is a dependency you can run the tests with the local cli distributed with your oboy app. Just add this line to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha tests/*"

So to run the tests, just run

npm test

What is Oboy?

Oboy is a chocolate drink in Sweden :)

License: MIT


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Christian Landgren
  • released 6/18/2016

