
Creates a formatting template to parse collections with null-safe variables, functions, and ignores. Useful for 3rd party API formatting.
object formatting parse collection utility

Object Formatter NPM version Build Status

Of course your objects are formatted nicely internally. You wrote the code, and you're a genius. But wait! Evil 3rd party API says your objects are crap, and they want them formatted THE RIGHT (their) WAY!

Never fear, Object Formatterâ„¢ is here!

Show me how to use it already!


$ npm install obj-format

Creating a Formatter instance:

const Formatter = require('object-formatter');
/* Note: You can totally store your maps as JSON files and require them.
 * Like cloth diapers, JSON mapping files are nice, tidy, and reusable! */
const destMap = {

  // Value is replaced by variable and ignored from object search
  project_name: "!$1 is great!",

  // Search property is replaced with supplied variables
  "project_id": "$2.id",
  "first_name": "person.first",
  "last_name": "person.last",
  "address": {
    "geo": {
      "lat": "person.address.geo.lat"

  // Value ignored by parser
  "!ip_address": ""
const THIRD_PARTY_FORMAT = new Formatter(destMap);

Default Behavior

Properties are not parsed by the object-looker-upper (elvis operator).

Values are parsed by the object-looker-upper (Really? Can't think of better name?).

Any property or value containing a $n will be replaced with its corresponding variable in the array you pass before property lookup.

Negating default behavior

Maybe you want a property to be a value from a source object, or maybe you want a constant string as a value. Just prefix your property or value with ! and the default behavior will be reversed!

Using the formatter

  person: {
    first: 'John',
    last: 'Zoidberg',
    address: {
      street: '1234 Example Blvd',
      geo: {
        lat: 1.2345
        lng: -1.2345
  finance: {
    id: 123,
    name: 'Finance',
    date: new Date()
}, ['Finance', 'finance']);

  "project_name": "Finance is great!",
  "project_id": "123",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Zoidberg",
  "address": {
    "geo": {
      "lat": "1.2345"
  "ip_address": ""


format(obj, vars) instance method

Populates a new copy of the mapping object formatted data

  • obj - Source object to be parsed. Should match values in the destination object supplied in the constructor
  • vars - (Optional) Array of variables to be replaced in matching strings (I.E. ['foo','bar'] + "$2.$1-$1" => "bar.foo-foo")

Destination object populated with source values

get(props, obj) class method

Class method. Gets the property array or dot-notated field from an object. Null safe.

  • props Array of properties in nested order or dot notated string (I.E. ["foo", "bar", "baz"] OR "foo.bar.baz")
  • obj Source object to search.

Value found from search or undefined.

Worried about undefined? Worry no longer!

Object Formatter takes all the worry out of property lookups. You're welcome.

Problems? Issues? Rude remarks?

Send me an email at [email protected], or die in a hole! Whichever comes first!

npm i obj-format


  • ISC
  • >=4.8.4
  • Seth Tippetts
  • released 11/15/2017

