


  • category: UI
  • chinese: 输入框
  • type: UI Component


Nuke Input is the implement of input box, can be multiple mode or single line mode.

Type props determine keyboard mode when inputing.

Nuke Input also implements material design mode by materialDesign=true props.


Props Description Type Default
type Keyboard type. Optional: text url password tel date time email string text
autoFocus Auto focus boolean false
multiple Whether it is multi line. Default: single row bool false
value Current values string
defaultValue Initialized values(uncontrolled usage) string
disabled Setting text field disabled state boolean false
onInput Input event function(e) false
onFocus Focus event function false
onBlur Blur event function false
onChange change function(value, e)
onReturn Only native is effective, return event, The user clicks on the return button to trigger the phone (the lower right corner of the keyboard), callback value is e {returnKeyType: 'type', value: 'The value of the input box'} function(e) false
returnKeyType Only native is effective, return key display type (the key in the lower right corner of the keyboard). Option:default go next search send done string default
focus case method Let input get focus function
blur case method Let input lose focus function
rows The number of rows that can be displayed simultaneously in multiline input number 2
placeholder placeholder text string null
placeholderColor color of the placeholder, only native is effective string '#999999'

Difference between defaultValue and value (uncontrolled and controlled)

  • defaultValue: uncontrolled usage, value will be initialized in constructor, will not be changed ever since.
<Input defaultValue="some default value" onChange={(value,e)=>{console.log(value)}} />
  • value: controlled usage , controlled by parent state value
<Input value={this.state.value} onChange={(value,e)=>{console.log(value)}}/>

Case method focus and blur

    //In some cases, myinput needs to be forced to lose focus.
    focus = (e) => {
    blur = (e) => {
    change = (value,e) => {
        console.log(value);//After losing focus, it triggers onChange.
        return (
                <Input ref="myinput" onChange={this.change}/>
                <Button type="primary" onPress={this.focus}>focus it</Button>
                <Button type="primary" onPress={this.blur}>blur it</Button>

