
The Node Security (nodesecurity.io) command line interface
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About Node Security

Node Security helps you keep your node applications secure. With Node Security you can:

  • Make use of the CLI tool to help identify known vulnerabilities in your own projects.
  • Get access to Node Security news and information from the ^lift team.

Installing the CLI (nsp)

  • To install the Node Security command line tool: npm install -g nsp
  • Then run nsp --help to find out more.

Filter and threshold

The results of the check command may be altered based on either a filter or threshold.

  • --filter: hide all vulnerabilities below the given CVSS score
  • --threshold: display all vulnerabilities, but only exit with an error code if at least one finding has a CVSS score above the given value

Exit codes

The CLI tool exits with the following codes to signify state

  • 0: command ran with success
  • 1: command run was 'check', was successful, but returned vulnerabilities outside of the threshold or filter
  • 2: command received a server error (5xx)
  • 3: unknown error
  • 4: there was an error in the output reporter

Output Reporters

You can adjust how the client outputs findings by specifying one of the following built in reporters:

  • table
  • summary
  • json
  • codeclimate
  • minimal

Example: nsp check --reporter summary

Additionally, you can use third-party reporter. The packages of custom reporters must adhere to the naming scheme nsp-reporter-<name> and can then be referenced by that name:

$ npm install -g nsp nsp-reporter-checkstyle
$ nsp check --reporter checkstyle

Please note that in case of naming conflicts built-in reporters (as listed above) take precedence. For instance, nsp-reporter-json would never be used since nsp ships with a json formatter.

Creating a reporter

A custom reporter should be a module named with the prefix nsp-reporter-, it must export two functions at minimum error and success.

The error function accepts two arguments, (err, args) where err is an Error object representing the failure that occurred during whatever command may have been run, and args is an object representing all of the command line arguments that were passed to the CLI at run time.

The success function also accepts two arguments (result, args) where args is the same CLI arguments and result is an object with these three properties:

  • message: a string summary of the command's result
  • data: the actual result of the command, the shape of this parameter varies for each command
  • meta: detailed information from behind the scenes (response headers, etc)

In addition to the top level success and error functions, specific handlers may be specified for each command that the CLI tool handles. For example

exports.error = function (err, args) {
  // run for all failures of any command

exports.success = function (result, args) {
  // run for success of any command _except_ for 'check'

exports.check = {};
exports.check.success = function (result, args) {
  // run for success of _only_ the 'check' command

Any of these functions may return a Promise if they perform any asynchronous actions to guarantee that they complete before the process exits. If the returned Promise rejects, the error handler will also be called with the result of the rejected Promise.

Input Preprocessors

You may also alter a project's package.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json and/or package-lock.json by using an input preprocessor.

The default, built in, preprocessor simply reads these files and returns their JSON parsed content as-is. You can use a third party preprocessor like so: nsp check --preprocessor example which, much like third party reporters would attempt to require the module nsp-preprocessor-example. If the given preprocessor is not found, the default will be used.

Creating a preprocessor

A custom preprocessor should be a module named with the prefix nsp-preprocessor-. It must export an object where each property is the name of a command executable by the nsp script. The value of each of these properties must be a function that accepts a single argument args which represents the command line arguments passed at execution time, it must return a promise modifying or extending the args object.


module.exports = {
  check: function (args) {

    // do something to read or generate package.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json and package-lock.json
    // the path to the project can be found as `args.path`
    // `pkg` must be the JSON parsed contents of package.json
    // `shrinkwrap` must be the JSON parsed contents of npm-shrinkwrap.json, if it exists. this may be left out.
    // `packagelock` must be the JSON parsed contents of package-lock.json, if it exists. this may also be left out.
    return Object.assign(args, { pkg, shrinkwrap, packagelock });


The Node Security CLI supports adding exceptions. These are advisories that you have evaluated and personally deemed unimportant for your project.

There are two ways to leverage this capability, online or offline. To use online exceptions, register your project on our online portal. From there you can manage your exceptions from a central location.

In order to inform the CLI tool that it should use these settings, you'll have to create a settings file (and login if your project is private). You'll need both the organization name and the UUID for your project, these can be retrieved from the URL from our portal. For example, if your project is hapi and your project URL is https://nodesecurity.io/orgs/hapi/projects/2a6e5642-b7a1-4b93-b8fb-21c1a5043f42 then your organization name is hapi and your project UUID is 2a6e5642-b7a1-4b93-b8fb-21c1a5043f42.

Using that information, create a .nsprc file with the following content:

  "org": "hapi",
  "integration": "2a6e5642-b7a1-4b93-b8fb-21c1a5043f42"

When you next run nsp check your exceptions will be retrieved from online. If your project is a private one, you will additionally need to run npm login which will create another .nsprc file in your home directory with an authentication token that will allow the CLI tool to look up your settings.

For offline exceptions, create a .nsprc file in the root of your project with content like the following:

  "exceptions": ["https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/12"]

The URLs used in the array should match the advisory link that the CLI reports. With this in place, you will no longer receive warnings about any advisories in the exceptions array.

Be careful using this feature. If you add code later that is impacted by an excluded advisory, Node Security has no way of knowing. Keep a careful eye on your exceptions.

.nsprc is read using rc, so it supports comments using json-strip-comments.

Proxy Support

The Node Security CLI has proxy support by using https-proxy-agent.

To configure the proxy set the proxy key in your .nsprc file. This can be put in the root of your project or in your home directory.

    "proxy": ""

The CLI tool will also automatically detect your proxy if it is exported to the environment as HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY.

Offline mode

Run nsp gather to save advisories.json locally, then nsp check --offline or nsp check --offline --advisories /path/to/advisories.json

Code Climate Node Security Engine

codeclimate-nodesecurity is a Code Climate engine that wraps the Node Security CLI. You can run it on your command line using the Code Climate CLI, or Code Climate's hosted analysis platform.

Note that this engine only works if your code has a npm-shrinkwrap.json or package-lock.json file committed.


First, build this repo with docker

git clone [email protected]:nodesecurity/nsp
cd nsp
docker build -t codeclimate/codeclimate-nodesecurity .

Install the codeclimate CLI

brew tap codeclimate/formulae
brew install codeclimate

Go into your project's directory and enable codeclimate

codeclimate init

Then edit .codeclimate.yml to add the engine like so

    enabled: true
exclude_paths: []

And finally run it

codeclimate analyze --dev

Suggesting Changes to Advisories

Should you come across data in an advisory that you feel is wrong or is a false positive please let us know at [email protected]. We endeavor to make this process better in the future, however this is the best place to resolve these issues at the present.


Node Security (+) is brought to you by ^lift security.


Copyright (c) 2016 by ^Lift Security

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Note: the above text describes the license for the code located in this repository only. Usage of this tool or the API this tool accesses implies acceptance of our terms of service.

npm i nsp

