
A better `npm version major|minor|patch`
version versioning bump npm


A better npm version major|minor|patch


To install invoke:

npm install -g npm-bump

You now have the npm-bump binary available.

If you want to use it as a module, invoke:

npm install npm-bump --save


The aim of this module is to keep a repository in a state where if the version value in package.json points to a stable version, it's a tagged commit that was published to npm. Since one can add Git endpoints as packages' "versions", this allows to quickly check if an installed dependency uses a pre-release or a stable version.


Once the package has been installed, it may be used from the terminal:

npm-bump releaseType

where releaseType is one of: major, minor and patch.

To use as a module, do the following:

var npmBump = require('npm-bump');

You can check the version of npm-bump via:

npm-bump --version

Regardless of using the package as a binary or a module, invoking the above code will result in:

  1. Creating a new commit that increases the project version to the nearest stable one having a larger major/minor/patch than currently.
  2. Tagging the commit with a specified version.
  3. Creating a new commit with an increased patch version and the -pre suffix added.
  4. Asking the user to do a final check and proceed or rollback.

If the user goes along, the new version gets published and created commits and tags pushed to the origin remote. Otherwise, all the changes are reversed.

Until the user gives the final green light, everything happens locally and is fully reversible.


If you supply releaseType other than major/minor/patch, it will be treated as a pre-release identifier and a proper pre-release version will be tagged & published. Such a version will be published with an npm tag equal to the identifier. For example, if your package is currently at version 1.0.0-pre, the following command:

npm-bump beta

will publish a version 1.0.0-beta.0 under the tag beta and bump the version to 1.0.0-beta.1-pre.


You can optionally pass the remote name and the branch name to be used, in addition to a prefix to be applied to the version bump commit message. By default the remote is assumed to be origin and the branch: main.

You can also provide the access option with the public or private value to declare whether the package should be public or private. When not provided, it uses default npm behavior: scoped packages are private & unscoped ones - public.

To customize, do the following:

  1. When using from shell:
npm-bump minor --remote origin --branch main --prefix "[no-ci]" --access public


npm-bump minor -r origin -b main -p "[no-ci]" ---access public


npm-bump --help


npm-bump -h

to see the full information about accepted options.

  1. When using as a library:
var npmBump = require('npm-bump').custom({
    remote: 'origin',
    branch: 'main',
    prefix: '[no-ci]',
    access: 'public',

Supported Node.js versions

This project aims to support all Node.js versions supported upstream with the exception of those in maintenance mode (see Release README for more details).


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm test.


Copyright (c) 2014 Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek. Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i npm-bump


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek
  • released 11/16/2022

