
p2p command-line calendar
calendar replication


p2p command-line calendar

norcal screenshot


norcal {PATTERN}

  Show events in month calendar format.
  By default, shows the current month,
  or you can specify a PATTERN:

  -3          Show the previous, current, and next month.
  YYYY        Show all the events in the year YYYY.
  YYYY-MM     Show all the events in the year/month YYYY-MM.
  MNAME       Show all the events for a month name MNAME in current year.
  MNAME YYYY  Show all the events for a month name MNAME in year YYYY.

norcal add TIMESTR {-t TITLE}

  Add an event by its TIMESTR with a TITLE.

norcal rm ID

  Delete an event by its ID.

norcal query {--gt GT --lt LT}

  List events from GT to LT.


var norcal = require('norcal')

var cal = norcal(opts)

Create a new norcal instance cal from:

  • opts.log - hyperlog instance to use
  • opts.db - leveldb instance to use

cal.add(time, opts, cb)

Add an event given by a free-form string time which is parsed by parse-messy-schedule. Optionally:

  • opts.created - parse relative to this time
  • opts.value - a value to store alongside the time

cb(err, node, id) fires with the underlying hyperlog node and the generated key/value id.

cal.remove(id, cb)

Remove an event by its id.

var stream = cal.query(opts, cb)

Produce a readable objectMode stream of events in the range given in opts:

  • - date instance or string
  • - date instance or string

Each document in the object stream:

  • doc.time - a Date instance for the event
  • doc.value - extra properties like a title
  • doc.created - when this record was created / relative to
  • doc.key - the id in the underlying key/value store

You can collect all of the documents with cb(err, docs).


To get the command-line tool:

npm install -g norcal

To get the library:

npm install norcal




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • James Halliday
  • released 6/19/2016

