
34 non-character code points (labeled <not a character>), that are set aside and guaranteed to never be used for a character. Perfect to use for placeholders or temporary replacements during string transformations.

noncharacters NPM version

34 non-character code points (labeled ), that are set aside and guaranteed to never be used for a character. Perfect to use for placeholders or temporary replacements during string transformations.

See the wikipedia article on non-characters. Also, I used regenerate from mathiasbynens to generate the range of characters.

Install with npm

npm i noncharacters --save


var noncharacters = require('noncharacters');
//=> ['\uFFFF', '\uFFFE', ...]


Let's say you need to transform a string but you need to temporarily replace some characters that might cause issues.

Create your own placeholders:

// arbitrary characters we want to replace, 
// mapped to placeholder non-characters
var placeholders = {
  '{': noncharacters[0],
  '}': noncharacters[1]

// the string with characters to replace
var str = 'This is a template: {name}';

// actually replace the characters
Object.keys(placeholders).forEach(function(ch) {
  str = str.replace(ch, placeholders[ch]);
//=> This is a template: \uFFFFname\uFFFE

Now you can do whatever you want to str. Then, to change back:

Object.keys(placeholders).forEach(function(ch) {
  str = str.replace(placeholders[ch], ch);
//=> This is a template: {name}

Run tests

Install dev dependencies:

npm i -d && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on February 27, 2015.

npm i noncharacters


