
Nodify is a build tool system for Node.js
node build tool node es6 node rollup node babel


nodify-status npm version

Nodify is a build tool system for Node.js, allowing you to write next-generation Node.js applications with zero configuration.

Getting started


Nodify assumes by default the entry point of your application to be src/index.js and will put output file in build/main.js, although everything is customizable.


Main package is named nodify-core, install it as a devDependency in your app.

  • via npm

    npm i -D nodify-core
  • via yarn

    yarn add -D nodify-core


Nodify is exposes two cli commands

  • nodify dev

    Runs nodify in development mode. Allowing you to execute code and reload on

    change, also providing helpful errors. errors

    NOTE: nodify dev automatically sets process.env.node to development,

    and generates source map to support debugging.

  • nodify build

    Builds app ready for production.

    Build version will be outputted in build/main.js,

    which you can run directly via node.

    node ./build/main

    NOTE: nodify build automatically sets process.env.node to production,

    and doesn't generate any source maps.

Your package.json should look like


  "scripts": {
    "dev": "nodify dev",
    "build": "nodify build",




Under the hood nodify uses rollup and babel, which come pre-configured, but can with be completely customized.


To customize rollup config, create a nodify.config.js in the root directory of your app.

module.exports = {
  rollup: (config, env) => {
    // access the config here
    // also process.env.NODE_ENV can be accessed using env
    // and customize it as you wish
    // finally remember to return the modified config.
    // by default during dev process.env.NODE_ENV is 'development'
    // and during build process.env.NODE_ENV is 'production'
    return config;

Checkout the example for custom rollup config

NOTE: The default config for rollup can be found here.


To customize babel plugins and presets configuration, create a .babelrc file in the root directory of your app.

If this file exists nodify will rely upon it rather than its internal configuration, therefore you must use nodify preset in your babelrc file, to make it work with nodify.

Your .babelrc should look like

  "presets": [
    // add other presets
  "plugins": [
    // add plugins

Checkout the example for custom babel config

Built with


Please refer the examples folder for basic setups with different configurations.


Prior Art

Backpack - Works in same way and uses webpack.




npm i nodify-core


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Shriyans Bhatnagar
  • released 3/15/2018

