
Write Node code using whatever syntax you want.
babel cluster clustering compile compiler es2015 es6 flow flowjs and 5 more...

nodely NPM Coverage

Write Node code using whatever syntax you want.

Table of Contents



npm install nodely


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The most basic usage is achieved with the following command, replacing the source path with the path to your source code to transform and the output path with the path to where you want the transformed code to be written.

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output

NOTE: If you have a .babelrc.js or .babelrc.json configuration file for Babel, nodely will use that instead of it's own built-in configuration. It's built-in configuration supports ES6, Flow types, and React.



By default Nodely will copy/transform all files from the source directory into the output directory. However if you want to limit which files are copied/transformed you can provide a regular expression to match included files against.

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output -i "\.js$"

Note: In the above example only Javascript files will be transformed into the output directory.


By default Nodely outputs code in ES5 which should work for both Node and browsers (as long as you aren't using target specific API's such as fs). If you'd like your build to target a specific Node version you can set the target like so:

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output -t 8

Note: This option will have no effect if you have your own Babel configuration defined, this only applies when you are relying on nodely's built-in configuration.


By default nodely will inform you when files fail to transform but won't provide much detail. If you want entire stack-traces when the failures occur you can use the -v flag like so:

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output -v


If you want to leave the nodely server running and have it transform modified files on the fly then you simply need to add the -w flag like so:

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output -w


By default the server will spawn a worker process for all but one CPU, reserving the last CPU for the master process. If you want to spawn less workers you can use the -n flag like so:

nodely -s ./path/to/source -o ./path/to/output -n 3 # This will spawn 3 workers

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npm i nodely


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matthew Dahl
  • released 1/19/2020
