
Exposes the macOS APIs needed for generating Sketch files

Node Sketch Bridge

This package exposes the macOS APIs needed for generating Sketch files. It relies on a node native module written in Obj-C.

npm install --save node-sketch-bridge



const { findFontName } = require("node-sketch-bridge");

const fontName = findFontName({
  fontFamily: "Helvetica",
  fontStyle: "italic"

console.log(fontName); // "Helvetica-Oblique"

:warning: Caveats:

  • If the fontFamily property is missing, or the requested font is not installed, it will fall back to the default system provided by the OS (usually, something from the San Francisco family). The specific font returned changes across macOS versions and for different font sizes.


const { createStringMeasurer } = require("node-sketch-bridge");

const size = createStringMeasurer(
      content: "Hello",
      textStyles: {
        fontFamily: "Helvetica",
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: "bold",
        fontStyle: "italic",
        lineHeight: 23,
        letterSpacing: 1,
        textDecoration: "underline",
        textAlign: "left"

console.log(size); // "{ width: ..., height: ... }"

:warning: Caveats:

  • When the lineHeight property is not specified, the default used by this function may be different from what Sketch uses by default for certain font families. This might result in a bounding box calculation that is different from what Sketch would display. For best results, it's advised to always specify the lineHeight explicitly.
  • Support for textTransform property is missing at the moment. When specified, the requested text transformation will not be taken into account when computing the bounding box.


const { makeImageDataFromURL } = require("node-sketch-bridge");

const base64EncodedImage = makeImageDataFromURL("");

// The buffer will contain the PNG-encoded image of a kitten. Meow.
const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(base64EncodedImage, "base64");


First, run npm install.

To develop in Xcode, you'll need to generate an Xcode project. The following worked for me on Mojave:

npm install --global node-gyp

node-gyp --python /usr/local/bin/python2 configure -- -f xcode

node-gyp build

Then, open build/binding.xcodeproj.



npm i node-sketch-bridge


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Devin Abbott
  • released 1/20/2020

