
Simple ExpressJS helper for creating REST interface for Mongoose models
routing connect express mongoose rest backbone


Simple ExpressJS helper for creating REST interface for Mongoose models.

This library is intended to work with ExpressJS framework.

Router is a highly customizable helper class for generating ExpressJS routes that provide a REST interface for Mongoose models. Its aim is to be compatible with BackboneJS, but it doesn't do anything Backbone-specific.

node-restrouter is written in CoffeeScript. JavaScript version of the code is provided for convenience.


Install with NPM:

npm install node-restrouter

You can also simply grab the router.js file from the lib directory and drop it in wherever you want.


There are none. In theory, the Router calss will work with any model object that supports Mongoose-compatible API, and any framework that supports Express-like API.

Running tests

To run tests, you first need to compile the code. Install development dependencies by going to source directory and running

npm install

Compile the code:

volo compile

Next run the tests with:

mocha test/*.js  # use backslash instead of forward slash on Windows

Basic usage

To create a new router object, simply call the constructor passing it the model constructor and the base URL at which it shoudl be routed. Note that there is no support for nested resources at this moment.

Here's a simple example:

Book = require('./models/book'); # model
Router = require('./lib/router');

bookRouter = Router(Book, 'books'); # slashes are automatically appended

Now, call the router's route method, and pass it the express app instance:


This should create a following set of routes:

GET /books/         # get all books
POST /books/        # create a new book
GET /books/:id      # get one book with specified id
PUT /books/:id      # update a book with specified id
DELETE /books/:id   # delete a book with specified id

Custom id field

The :id parameter can be any key on the model. By default, it's the _id key. You can override this by passing the name of the field you want to use as the third parameter to the constructor. Not that this doesn't change the route signatures.

bookRouter = Router(Book, 'books', 'slug');

The above router uses the 'slug' field as the :id parameter.


You can pass in an array of middleware functions to the Router constructor. The middlewares are then used on all routes. See the section on advanced customizaton for information on how to specify different middleware per route.

bookRouter = Router(Book, 'books', 'slug', [authRequired]);

Advanced customization

The Router constructor is organized in a way that allows you to easily change its behavior either partially or completely. This is accomplished by handling different aspects of route handling into separate methods that you can overload in your instances.

Here is a simple example that changes the way lists of documents are returned.

bookRouter = Router(Book, 'books')
bookRouter.getAll = function(cb) {

Look in source code for other ways to overload the methods and customize the router.

Reporting bugs

Please use the BitBucket issue tracker to report issues and feature requests.

npm i node-restrouter


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.4.1
  • Branko Vukelic
  • released 8/18/2013

