
Optimize a node project to a single JS file for distribution release.
node.js optimize compact distribute production uglify uglify-js


npm Version

We all need a tool to optimize a node.js project and create a single js file from it, Taking care of requires and leaving out node_modules.

Well I needed one too, and there wasn't one, so I build it!


    var NodeOptimizer = require('node-optimize');
    var optimizer = new NodeOptimizer({ 
        ignore: [
    var mergedJs = optimizer.merge('main.js'); // node-optimize will automatically resolve that path for 'main.js' using path.resolve(...)
    require('fs').writeFile(require('path').resolve('main.optimized.js'), mergedJs);

What's in the bag

  • options.ignore -> Tell it which files to ignore in the process of expanding the require calls.
  • Automatically ignores core modules, or modules from node_modules.
  • Currently handles *.js, *.json, and directory modules (with or without package.json/main).
  • Functionality of require statements stay the same - loading on demand, loading once, and synthesizing the module global object.
  • Handling of cyclic references same as node.js's' native implementation
  • Using include option to include files which are not automatically detected (because of dynamic requires using variables and other complex loading mechanisms)
  • Loading modules which were specified using complex require statement (i.e. require(moduleName + '_' + index))

Note: Support for require of module folders (with parsing of package.json etc.) will be added in the future.


If you need support for CoffeScript, simply use Grunt to "compile" your Coffee files, and then run the optimizer on a pure JS project.

Binary modules

There's no simple way to embed native binary modules (*.node), or modules that depend on other local raw files. In case you have a module which is known to have binary files, you should exclude it from optimization, and put it in a known path, or on a private NPM etc.

I've tried to also support squashing node_modules for cases where one wants to eliminate the need of an npm install in a production project, but I have abandon those trials, as it makes no sense: In 99% of the cases on of the modules in the node_modules tree will have binaries, and npm install/npm update is a strength anyway as it allows for bugfixes even in a production project.




If you have anything to contribute, or functionality that you luck - you are more than welcome to participate in this!
If anyone wishes to contribute unit tests - that also would be great :-)


  • Hi! I am Daniel Cohen Gindi. Or in short- Daniel.
  • [email protected] is my email address.
  • That's all you need to know.


If you want to buy me a beer, you are very welcome to Donate Thanks :-)


All the code here is under MIT license. Which means you could do virtually anything with the code. I will appreciate it very much if you keep an attribution where appropriate.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Cohen Gindi ([email protected])

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
npm i node-optimize


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Daniel Cohen Gindi
  • released 10/19/2017

