
An ExpressJS middleware to serve EmberJS apps deployed by ember-cli-deploy
ember-cli-deploy express redis

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ExpressJS middleware to fetch the current (or specified) revision of your Ember App deployed by ember-cli-deploy.


ember-cli-deploy is great. It allows you to run multiple versions in production at the same time and view revisions without impacting users. However, the example provided uses koa and many of us are not. This package allows you to easily fetch current and specified index.html revisions from redis with Express and other Node servers.


It's important to choose the right version of this library to match the version of ember-cli-deploy you're using.

ember-cli-deploy version node-ember-cli-deploy-redis
pre 0.5 ^0.2.0 or lower
0.5 and beyond ^0.3.0 or newer

Make sure to look at the older documentation if you're on a pre 0.5 ember-cli-deploy release. See the changelog for an upgrade guide.


There are two main ways of using this library. For most simple Express servers, you'll want to simply use the middleware. However, if you need more flexibility, you'll want to use the internal fetch methods, with custom logic.

ExpressJS Middleware

  1. require the package
  2. use the package in your app


const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const nodeEmberCliDeployRedis = require('node-ember-cli-deploy-redis');
app.use('/*', nodeEmberCliDeployRedis('myapp:index', {
  host: '',    // default is localhost
  port: 6929,                   // default is 6379
  password: 'passw0rd!',        // default is undefined
  db: 0                         // default is undefined

Custom Fetch Method

  1. require the package
  2. Use the fetchIndex method
  3. Render the index string as you wish.


const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const fetchIndex = require('node-ember-cli-deploy-redis/fetch');

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    fetchIndex(req, 'myapp:index', {
      host: '',
      port: 6929,
      password: 'passw0rd!',
      db: 0
    }).then(function (indexHtml) {
    indexHtml = serverVarInjectHelper.injectServerVariables(indexHtml, req);
  }).catch(function(err) {
    res.status(500).send('Oh noes!\n' + err.message);

Check out location-aware-ember-server for a running example.


nodeEmberCliDeployRedis(keyPrefix, connectionInfo, options) (middleware constructor)

  • keyPrefix (required) - the application name, specified for ember deploy the keys in redis are prefaced with this name. For instance, if your redis keys are my-app:index:current, you'd pass my-app:index.
  • connectionInfo (required) - the configuration to connect to redis. internally, this library uses ioredis, so pass a configuration supported by ioredis. please see their README for more information.
  • options (optional) - a hash of params to override the defaults

fetchIndex(request, keyPrefix, connectionInfo, options)


  • request (required) - the request object the request object is used to check for the presence of revisionQueryParam
  • keyPrefix (required) - the application name, specified for ember deploy the keys in redis are prefaced with this name. For instance, if your redis keys are my-app:index:current, you'd pass my-app:index.
  • connectionInfo (required) - the configuration to connect to redis. internally, this library uses ioredis, so pass a configuration supported by ioredis.
  • options (optional) - a hash of params to override the defaults


  • a Promise when resolved, it returns the requested index.html string when failed, it returns an EmberCliDeployError.


  • revisionQueryParam (defaults to index_key) the query parameter to specify a revision (e.g. the key will be automatically prefaced with your keyPrefix for security.
  • memoize (defaults to false) enable memoizing Redis gets. see the memoization section for more details.
  • memoizeOpts (see defaults) customize memoization parameters. see the memoization section for more details.


Since the majority of the requests will be serving the current version of your app, you can enable memoization to reduce the load on Redis. By default, memoization is disabled. To enable it, simply pass:

memoize: true

in your options hash. Additionally, you can pass options to the underlying memoization library (memoizee). Check out their documentation, and the defaults for this library.


app.use('/*', nodeEmberCliDeployRedis(
  { host: '' },
  { memoize: true },


In order to facilitate unit testing and/or integration testing this library exports a mockable redis api. You will need to use a dependency injection framework such as rewire to activate this testing api.

Usage with rewire (mocha syntax)

// my-module.js
const fetchIndex = require('node-ember-cli-deploy-redis/fetch');
const indexWrapper = function(req, res) {
  return fetchIndex(req, 'app', {
    // real redis config
  }).then(function (indexHtml)) {
    // do something with index
module.exports = indexWrapper;

// my-module-test.js
const redisTestApi = require('node-ember-cli-deploy-redis/test/helpers/test-api');
const fetchIndex = rewire('node-ember-cli-deploy-redis/fetch');
const redis = redisTestApi.ioRedisApi;
const myModule = rewire('my-module');

describe('my module', function() {
  afterEach(function() {
    fetchIndex.__set__('_initialized', false);

  it('grabs my content', function() {
    // inject mocked content
    myModule.__set__('fetchIndex', fetchIndex);
    fetchIndex.__set__('ioRedis', redis);
    redis.set('app:abc123', "<html><body><h1>hello test world</h1></body></html>");
    myModule(req, res).then(function(){
      // assertions here


  • Don't create any other redis keys you don't want exposed to the public under your keyPrefix.


Comments/PRs/Issues are welcome!


This project utilizes git submodules. Please use the following command to clone:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Running Project Unit Tests

npm test

Running Project Smoke Tests

npm run smoke-test
npm i node-ember-cli-deploy-redis


  • ISC
  • ^6 || ^8 || >=10
  • Ben Limmer
  • released 8/31/2019

