
Unofficial API augmented with website functionality
coinmarketcap cryptocurrency

CoinMarketCap extended API npm

Node.js client for accessing CoinMarketCap data.

Uses a local cache to avoid re-fetching coin info too frequently. The cache can be configured or overriden with a custom implementation.

By default, most numbers are returned as bignumber.js instances. That behavior can be deactivated with a constructor option to make the library output only plain JavaScript numbers.
This choice was made because default JavaScript numbers are represented by floats internally, and thus are imprecise. BigNumbers can be converted to plain JS numbers by calling .toNumber on them, or prefixing them with the unary operator +.

Requires Node.js v7 or superior. This module cannot be used in browsers due to CSP restrictions.


npm install node-coinmarketcap-extended-api


import CoinMarketCap from 'coinmarketcap-extended-api'
const CMC = new CoinMarketCap()

  .then(markets => {
    for (const market of markets) {
      console.log(`ETH trades at ${market.priceUsd} USD on ${}.`)



  • new CoinMarketCap([options]): APIInstance
    • options: Object with any of the below properties:
      • cache: Can be used to override the default in-JS heap cache.
        Must be an object with has, get and set methods.
      • BigNumber: boolean (default: true): If set to false, returned numbers will be plain JavaScript Number instances.

Instance methods:

  • async idFromTicker(ticker): id
  • async coins(): [Asset]
  • async coin(id): Asset
  • async coinFromTicker(ticker): Asset
  • async coinsFromTicker(ticker): Asset
  • async getMarkets(id): [Market]
  • async getMarketsFromTicker(ticker): [Market]
  • async getLinks(id): [Link]
  • async getLinksFromTicker(ticker): [Link]
  • async global(): GlobalData
    • totalMarketCapUsd:: BigNumber (USD)
    • total24hVolumeUsd:: BigNumber (USD)
    • bitcoinDominance:: BigNumber (%): Percentage of Bitcoin marketcap relative to total marketcap.
    • activeCurrencies:: int
    • activeAssets: int
    • activeMarkets: int
    • lastUpdated: int (seconds): UNIX time.

Instance properties:

  • cache: The cache instance. You typically won't need to interact with it directly, but it is provided as an escape hatch for finer grained control.
    • async get(key: string): JSONSerializable
    • async set(key: string, value: JSONSerializable): boolean
    • async has(key: string): boolean


  • ticker: string: Symbol of asset on CoinMarketCap (e.g.: "BTC")

  • id: string: ID of asset on CoinMarketCap (e.g.: "golem-network-tokens"). Be advised that there is no reliable way to infer it programmatically from other informations.

  • Asset: Information related to a particular asset/cryptocurrency.

    • id: string
    • name: string
    • symbol: string
    • rank: int
    • priceUsd: BigNumber? (USD)
    • priceBtc: BigNumber? (BTC)
    • volumeUsd24h: BigNumber? (USD)
    • marketCapUsd: BigNumber? (USD)
    • availableSupply: BigNumber? (tokens)
    • totalSupply: BigNumber? (tokens)
    • maxSupply: BigNumber? (tokens)
    • percentChange1h: BigNumber? (%)
    • percentChange24h: BigNumber? (%)
    • percentChange7d: BigNumber? (%)
    • lastUpdated: int (seconds): UNIX time.
  • Market: Information related to a particular trading pair.

    • exchange: string: Name of the exchange.
    • base: ticker: Name of the base currency.
    • quote: ticker: Name of the traded asset.
    • url: string: URL to trading pair on exchange.
    • volumeUsd24h: BigNumber (USD)
    • priceUsd: BigNumber (USD)
    • volumePercent: BigNumber: Percent of market 24h volume on global quote trading 24h volume.
  • Link: Links related to the asset.

    • label: string Resource label
    • url: string: Resource URL



The default cache can be configured with expiry for all entries. Default is 5 minutes.

import CoinMarketCap, { DefaultCache } from 'coinmarketcap-extended-api'

const CMC = new CoinMarketCap({
  cache: new DefaultCache({
    expiry: 30e3, // Expire cache entries after 30 seconds

You can also configure the expiry of different type of cache entries individually:

const CMC = new CoinMarketCap({
  cache: new DefaultCache({
    expiry: {
      assets: 2*60*1000, // Expire after 2 minutes
      assetpage: 60*60*1000, // Expire after 1 hour
      global: 40*1000// Expire after 40 seconds
      default: 5*60*1000,


  • new DefaultCache([options]): DefaultCacheInstance
    • options: Object with any of the below properties:
      • init: [[key: string, value: any]] Store's initial content, argument to Map consructor.
      • expiry: int|{group: string: int} (default 300000 ie. 5 minutes) Time in milliseconds before a cache entry is considered stale.
        Can be indicated as a number for every entry, or an object with different durations for each group (see example). The object keys are groups and the values the corresponding expiry time. The object should have a default key.
Instance methods:

Cache interface:

  • async get(key: string): JSONSerializable
  • async set(key: string, value: JSONSerializable): boolean
  • async has(key: string): boolean

Additional methods and properties:

  • async isStale([key: string]):boolean
    Returns whether the given cache entry has expired.
  • async clear([key: string]): boolean
    Delete data for an entry, or the entire store if no argument is supplied.
  • store
    Map instance used as back-end store for the cache.

Cache keys

Cache keys follow a <group>:<key> format.

  • assets:all: Used with idFromTicker, coins, coin, coinFromTicker, coinsFromTicker.
  • assetpage:<id>: Used with getMarkets, getMarketsFromTicker, getLinks, getLinksFromTicker.
  • global:all: Used with global.


npm run build:watch
npm run test:watch


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • lleaff
  • released 3/20/2018

