
HTTP Client Utilities
utilities http client

#This project has been renamed to wreck. Please update your references and use the new package.

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HTTP Client Utilities

Build Status

Lead Maintainer: Wyatt Preul



var Nipple = require('nipple');

Nipple.get('', function (err, res, payload) {
    /* do stuff */


var Nipple = require('nipple');

var method = 'GET'; // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
var uri    = '';
var readableStream = Nipple.toReadableStream('foo=bar');

// all attributes are optional
var options = {
    payload:   readableStream || 'foo=bar' || new Buffer('foo=bar'),
    headers:   { /* http headers */ },
    redirects: 3,
    timeout:   1000,    // 1 second, default: unlimited
    maxBytes:  1048576, // 1 MB, default: unlimited
    rejectUnauthorized: true || false,
    downstreamRes: null,
    agent: null         // Node Core http.Agent

var optionalCallback = function (err, res) {

    // buffer the response stream, function (err, body) {
        /* do stuff */

Nipple.request(method, uri, options, optionalCallback);

request(method, uri, [options], [callback])

Initiate an HTTP request.

  • method - A string specifying the HTTP request method, defaulting to 'GET'.
  • uri - The URI of the requested resource.
  • options - An optional configuration object with the following optional keys:
    • payload - The request body as string, Buffer, or Readable Stream.
    • headers - An object containing request headers.
    • rejectUnauthorized - TLS flag indicating whether the client should reject a response from a server with invalid certificates.
    • redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow.
    • agent - Node Core http.Agent.
    • timeout - The number of milliseconds to wait without receiving a response before aborting the request. Defaults to unlimited.
  • callback - The optional callback function using the signature function (err, response) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred during the handling of the request.
    • response - The HTTP Incoming Message object, which is also a readable stream.

read(response, [options], callback)

  • response - An HTTP Incoming Message object.
  • options - An optional configuration object with the following optional keys:
    • timeout - The number of milliseconds to wait while reading data before aborting handling of the response. Defaults to unlimited.
    • json - A flag indicating whether the payload should be parsed as JSON if the response indicates a JSON content-type.
    • maxBytes - The maximum allowed response payload size. Defaults to unlimited.
  • callback - The callback function using the signature function (err, payload) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred while reading the response.
    • payload - The payload in the form of a Buffer or (optionally) parsed JavaScript object (JSON).

get(uri, [options], callback)

Convenience method for GET operations.

  • uri - The URI of the requested resource.
  • options - Optional config object containing settings for both request and read operations.
  • callback - The callback function using the signature function (err, response, payload) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred during handling of the request.
    • response - The HTTP Incoming Message object, which is also a readable stream.
    • payload - The payload in the form of a Buffer or (optionally) parsed JavaScript object (JSON).

post(uri, [options], callback)

Convenience method for POST operations.

  • uri - The URI of the requested resource.
  • options - Optional config object containing settings for both request and read operations.
  • callback - The callback function using the signature function (err, response, payload) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred during handling of the request.
    • response - The HTTP Incoming Message object, which is also a readable stream.
    • payload - The payload in the form of a Buffer or (optionally) parsed JavaScript object (JSON).

put(uri, [options], callback)

Convenience method for PUT operations.

  • uri - The URI of the requested resource.
  • options - Optional config object containing settings for both request and read operations.
  • callback - The callback function using the signature function (err, response, payload) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred during handling of the request.
    • response - The HTTP Incoming Message object, which is also a readable stream.
    • payload - The payload in the form of a Buffer or (optionally) parsed JavaScript object (JSON).

delete(uri, [options], callback)

Convenience method for DELETE operations.

  • uri - The URI of the requested resource.
  • options - Optional config object containing settings for both request and read operations.
  • callback - The callback function using the signature function (err, response, payload) where:
    • err - Any error that may have occurred during handling of the request.
    • response - The HTTP Incoming Message object, which is also a readable stream.
    • payload - The payload in the form of a Buffer or (optionally) parsed JavaScript object (JSON).

toReadableStream(payload, [encoding])

Creates a readable stream for the provided payload and encoding.

  • payload - The Buffer or string to be wrapped in a readable stream.
  • encoding - The encoding to use. Must be a valid Buffer encoding, such as 'utf8' or 'ascii'.
var stream = Nipple.toReadableStream(new Buffer('Hello', 'ascii'), 'ascii');
var read =;
// read -> 'Hello'


Parses the provided cache-control request header value into an object containing a property for each directive and it's value. Boolean directives, such as "private" or "no-cache" will be set to the boolean true.

  • field - The header cache control value to be parsed.
var  result = Nipple.parseCacheControl('private, max-age=0, no-cache');
// result.private -> true
// result['max-age'] -> 0
// result['no-cache'] -> true
npm i nipple


  • Unknown
  • >=0.10.30
  • Unknown
  • released 8/19/2014
