
asynchronous map and filter while keeping a given concurrency limit
promise async concurrent queue throttle


asynchronous map and filter (while keeping a given concurrency limit)

Build Status


Install from npm:

$ npm install niagara --save

Use case

Throttle HTTP requests down to a level that your server can handle or gracefully digest computation heavy asynchronous operations.


import Niagara from 'niagara';
import {getJSON} from 'jquery';

var maxRunning = 0;
var currentlyRunning = 0;

const callResource = (id) => {
    maxRunning = Math.max(currentlyRunning, maxRunning)
    return getJSON(`${id}`)
        .then((result) => {
            return result;

const resourceIds = ['1','2','3'/*....*/,'456'];

Niagara(resourceIds, { limit: 8 })
    .then((result) => {
        // array containing the results of each call
        console.log(maxRunning); //=> will be 8
    .catch((err) => {
        // error of the call that failed
        console.log(maxRunning); //=> will be 8
import Niagara from 'niagara';
import {getJSON} from 'jquery';

const callUnreliableResource = (id) => {
    return getJSON(`${id}`).promise();

const resourceIds = ['1','2','3'/*....*/,'456'];

Niagara(resourceIds, { limit: 8 })
    .then((result) => {
        // array containing the results of each successful call


Niagara(collection, options)

var falls = Niagara([1,2,3,4], { limit: 4, Promise: require('bluebird') });

An instance can be constructed without using the new keyword. Possible options are limit, setting the concurrency limit for all transformations and Promise for the promise implementation to use. If no Promise implementation is passed the library will look for a globally available or native version.


You can configure the module with a default value for the used Promise implementation. This will be used when no implementation was passed in the options.

var victoriaFalls = Niagara(list, { limit: 2 }); //uses bluebird
var iguazuFalls = Niagara(list, { limit: 2, Promise: require('promise') }); //uses promise.js

#map(transform [, thisArg])

Niagara([1,3,2,4], { limit: 2 })
    .map((element, index, collection) => {
        // return Promise or plain value
    }, thisArg)
    .then((result) => console.log(result))
    .catch((err) => console.error(err));

#filter(predicate [, thisArg])

Niagara([1,3,2,4], { limit: 2 })
    .filter((element, index, collection) => {
        // filter by rejecting the returned Promise
        // or throwing an Error
    }, thisArg)
    .then((result) => console.log(result));


MIT © Frederik Ring

npm i niagara


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Frederik Ring
  • released 10/26/2016
