
![ngx-favicon demo](


ngx-favicon demo


Install the library into your project:

npm i ngx-favicon

Put your favicon(s) somewhere into your project (/src for example) and don't forget to add them into angular.json file:

  "projects": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "assets": [
+             "src/favicon-success.ico",
+             "src/favicon-error.ico",

Create a new file called (for example) favicon.config.ts and put into it the following code:

// enum all your different favicons
// (for type safety)
export enum CustomFavicon {
  FAVICON_SUCCESS = 'faviconSuccess',
  FAVICON_ERROR = 'faviconError',

export type AvailableCustomFavicons = { [key in CustomFavicon]: string };

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// @warning do not forget to add your favicons to your bundle
// you should double check into angular.json file
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// map all the types of favicon to their href
export const customFavicons: AvailableCustomFavicons = {
  // for some reason, impossible to use the syntax
  // [CustomFavicon.FAVICON_SUCCESS]: 'favicon-success.ico',
  // otherwise we end up with an AOT ERROR
  faviconSuccess: 'favicon-success.ico',
  faviconError: 'favicon-error.ico',

Open index.html file and add an ID to the link tag defining the favicon:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <base href="/" />

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
-    <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
+    <link id="favicon" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />

Import the NgxFaviconModule with forRoot method and define your own config once only:

+ import { NgxFaviconModule } from 'ngx-favicon';
+ import { customFavicons, AvailableCustomFavicons } from './favicon.config';

  imports: [
+   NgxFaviconModule.forRoot<AvailableCustomFavicons>({
+     faviconElementId: 'favicon',
+     defaultUrl: 'favicon.ico',
+     custom: customFavicons,
+   }),
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

How to use it

Once everything is setup, you can inject the NgxFaviconService and use either the setDefaultFavicon, setCustomFavicon or setFaviconByUrl methods.

Example from a component:

.ts file:

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
+  public CustomFavicon: typeof CustomFavicon = CustomFavicon;

+  constructor(private ngxFaviconService: NgxFaviconService<CustomFavicon>) {}

+  public setDefaultFavicon(): void {
+    this.ngxFaviconService.setDefaultFavicon();
+  }

+  public setCustomFavicon(faviconName: CustomFavicon): void {
+    this.ngxFaviconService.setCustomFavicon(faviconName);
+  }

+  public setFaviconByUrl(faviconUrl: string): void {
+    this.ngxFaviconService.setFaviconByUrl(faviconUrl);
+  }

.html file:

+ <button (click)="setDefaultFavicon()" data-btn-default>Set default</button>
+ <button (click)="setCustomFavicon(CustomFavicon.FAVICON_SUCCESS)" data-btn-success>
+   Set success
+ </button>
+ <button (click)="setCustomFavicon(CustomFavicon.FAVICON_ERROR)" data-btn-error>
+   Set error
+ </button>
+ <button (click)="setFaviconByUrl('')" data-btn-url>
+   Set by URL
+ </button>

A complete example using the app is available in this repo, feel free to take a look into it (/src) and the source code of the library is located in /projects/ngx-favicon.

How to contribute

If you're willing to contribute to that project, feel free to do so.

  • Fork the project
  • Go into the repo and install dependencies by running yarn
  • Create a branch ex: git checkout -b /feat/my-feature or git checkout -b /fix/my-fix
  • Make some changes
  • Run yarn run prettier:write to make sure formatting is fine
  • Run yarn run lib:build:prod to build the library
  • Run yarn run demo:test to make sure all the tests are passing
  • Commit your changes using the Angular commit message conventions
  • Open a pull request


npm i ngx-favicon


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 11/30/2022

