
A Collection of Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more
angular color picker angular-component colorpicker picker sketch chrome photoshop material design and 2 more...

Angular color sketch preview

Angular Color

npm codecov



  • 13 Different Pickers - Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Twitter and many more

  • Make Your Own - Use the building block components to make your own

  • This is a port of react-color by casesandberg

Getting Started


Latest version available for each version of Angular

ngx-color Angular
4.1.1 8.x
5.1.4 9.x
6.2.0 10.x 11.x
7.3.3 12.x 13.x
8.0.3 14.x 15.x
current >= 16.x


npm install ngx-color --save

Include Component

import { ColorSketchModule } from 'ngx-color/sketch';

  imports: [
    ColorSketchModule, // added to imports
class YourModule {}
<color-sketch [color]="state" (onChangeComplete)="changeComplete($event)"></color-sketch>

Others available

import { ColorAlphaModule } from 'ngx-color/alpha'; // <color-alpha-picker></color-alpha-picker>
import { ColorBlockModule } from 'ngx-color/block'; // <color-block></color-block>
import { ColorChromeModule } from 'ngx-color/chrome'; // <color-chrome></color-chrome>
import { ColorCircleModule } from 'ngx-color/circle'; // <color-circle></color-circle>
import { ColorCompactModule } from 'ngx-color/compact'; // <color-compact></color-compact>
import { ColorGithubModule } from 'ngx-color/github'; // <color-github></color-github>
import { ColorHueModule } from 'ngx-color/hue'; // <color-hue-picker></color-hue-picker>
import { ColorMaterialModule } from 'ngx-color/material'; // <color-material></color-material>
import { ColorPhotoshopModule } from 'ngx-color/photoshop'; // <color-photoshop></color-photoshop>
import { ColorSketchModule } from 'ngx-color/sketch'; // <color-sketch></color-sketch>
import { ColorSliderModule } from 'ngx-color/slider'; // <color-slider></color-slider>
import { ColorSwatchesModule } from 'ngx-color/swatches'; // <color-swatches></color-swatches>
import { ColorTwitterModule } from 'ngx-color/twitter'; // <color-twitter></color-twitter>
import { ColorShadeModule } from 'ngx-color/shade'; // <color-shade-picker></color-shade-picker>

Component API


Color controls what color is active on the color picker. You can use this to initialize the color picker with a particular color, or to keep it in sync with the state of a parent component.

Color accepts either a string of a hex color '#333' or a object of rgb or hsl values { r: 51, g: 51, b: 51 } or { h: 0, s: 0, l: .10 }. Both rgb and hsl will also take a a: 1 value for alpha. You can also use transparent.

<color-sketch color="#fff" (onChangeComplete)="handleChangeComplete($event)"></color-sketch>

In this case, the color picker will initialize with the color #fff. When the color is changed, handleChangeComplete will fire and set the new color to state.


Pass a function to call every time the color is changed. Use this to store the color in the state of a parent component or to make other transformations.

Keep in mind this is called on drag events that can happen quite frequently. If you just need to get the color once use onChangeComplete.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ColorEvent } from 'ngx-color';

  selector: 'selector-name',
  template: ` <color-sketch (onChange)="handleChange($event)"></color-sketch> `,
export class NameComponent {
  constructor() {}

  handleChange($event: ColorEvent) {
    // color = {
    //   hex: '#333',
    //   rgb: {
    //     r: 51,
    //     g: 51,
    //     b: 51,
    //     a: 1,
    //   },
    //   hsl: {
    //     h: 0,
    //     s: 0,
    //     l: .20,
    //     a: 1,
    //   },
    // }


Pass a function to call once a color change is complete.

Individual APIs

Some pickers have specific APIs that are unique to themselves:


  • width - String | Number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 316px
  • height - String | Number, Pixel value for picker height. Default 16px
  • direction - String, horizontal or vertical. Default horizontal


  • width - string | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 170px
  • colors - Array of Strings, Color squares to display. Default ['#D9E3F0', '#F47373', '#697689', '#37D67A', '#2CCCE4', '#555555', '#dce775', '#ff8a65', '#ba68c8']
  • triangle - String, Either hide or top. Default top
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • disableAlpha - Bool, Remove alpha slider and options from picker. Default false


  • width - String | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 252px
  • colors - Array of Strings, Color squares to display. Default ["#f44336", "#e91e63", "#9c27b0", "#673ab7", "#3f51b5", "#2196f3", "#03a9f4", "#00bcd4", "#009688", "#4caf50", "#8bc34a", "#cddc39", "#ffeb3b", "#ffc107", "#ff9800", "#ff5722", "#795548", "#607d8b"]
  • circleSize - Number, Value for circle size. Default 28
  • circleSpacing - Number, Value for spacing between circles. Default 14
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • colors - Array of Strings, Color squares to display. Default ['#4D4D4D', '#999999', '#FFFFFF', '#F44E3B', '#FE9200', '#FCDC00', '#DBDF00', '#A4DD00', '#68CCCA', '#73D8FF', '#AEA1FF', '#FDA1FF', '#333333', '#808080', '#cccccc', '#D33115', '#E27300', '#FCC400', '#B0BC00', '#68BC00', '#16A5A5', '#009CE0', '#7B64FF', '#FA28FF', '#000000', '#666666', '#B3B3B3', '#9F0500', '#C45100', '#FB9E00', '#808900', '#194D33', '#0C797D', '#0062B1', '#653294', '#AB149E']
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • width - string | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 212px
  • colors - Array of Strings, Color squares to display. Default ['#B80000', '#DB3E00', '#FCCB00', '#008B02', '#006B76', '#1273DE', '#004DCF', '#5300EB', '#EB9694', '#FAD0C3', '#FEF3BD', '#C1E1C5', '#BEDADC', '#C4DEF6', '#BED3F3', '#D4C4FB']
  • triangle - String, Either hide, top-left or top-right. Default top-left
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • width - string | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 316px
  • height - string | number, Pixel value for picker height. Default 16px
  • direction - String Enum, horizontal or vertical. Default horizontal




  • header - String, Title text. Default Color Picker
  • onAccept - (Output), Callback for when accept is clicked.
  • onCancel - (Output), Callback for when cancel is clicked.


  • disableAlpha - Bool, Remove alpha slider and options from picker. Default false
  • presetColors - Array of Strings or Objects, Hex strings for default colors at bottom of picker. Default ['#D0021B', '#F5A623', '#F8E71C', '#8B572A', '#7ED321', '#417505', '#BD10E0', '#9013FE', '#4A90E2', '#50E3C2', '#B8E986', '#000000', '#4A4A4A', '#9B9B9B', '#FFFFFF']

    presetColors may also be described as an array of objects with color and title properties: [{ color: '#f00', title: 'red' }] or a combination of both

  • width - Number, Width of picker. Default 200
  • onSwatchHover - An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • pointer - React Component, Custom pointer component


  • width - string | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 320
  • height - string | number, Pixel value for picker height. Default 240
  • colors - Array of Arrays of Strings, An array of color groups, each with an array of colors
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • width - string | number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 276px
  • colors - Array of Strings, Color squares to display. Default ['#FF6900', '#FCB900', '#7BDCB5', '#00D084', '#8ED1FC', '#0693E3', '#ABB8C3', '#EB144C', '#F78DA7', '#9900EF']
  • triangle - String, Either hide, top-left or top-right. Default top-left
  • onSwatchHover - (Output) An event handler for onMouseOver on the <Swatch>s within this component. Gives the args (color, event)


  • width - String | Number, Pixel value for picker width. Default 316px
  • height - String | Number, Pixel value for picker height. Default 16px

GitHub @scttcper  ·  Twitter @scttcper

npm i ngx-color


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/15/2023

