
User authentication and authorization mdule for AngularJS.
angular user auth authentication authorization interceptor security permission


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User authentication and authorization module for AngularJS.


  • Transparently handles authentication and authorization for your token based REST API
  • Authenticates with a backend, stores the token in the local storage of the browser and adds the Authorization HTTP header to every request
  • Redirects the user to the login page when the token is no longer valid
  • Expects to get a list of user permissions from the backend that is then used for the client side authorization
  • Integrates with angular-ui-router and adds route based authorization
  • Provides a directive that can be used for element based authorization

Integration into your application

Follow these steps to add the ng-user-auth module to your application:

  • Clone the repo and add the file dist/ng-user-auth.min.js to your HTML header
  • OR add NPM package to your application: npm install --save ng-user-auth
  • OR add yarn package to your application: yarn add ng-user-auth
  • Configure the module
  • Add permission based protection to your UI routes or HTML elements


Configure the ngUserAuthServiceProvider to adjust it to your application's needs:

myApp.config(['ui.router', 'ngUserAuthServiceProvider', function($urlRouterProvider, ngUserAuthServiceProvider) {
  // backend/server REST URI that will be called to get the authentication and authorization information

  // client side UI route URL that the user will be redirected to if he is not authenticated

  // request parameter that contains the originally requested path the user wanted to navigate to.
  // this is appended to the 'unauthorized' URL

  // URLs starting with this prefix will be cancelled if a HTTP status code 401 is returned to prevent multiple
  // redirects to the 'unauthorized' URL

  // add functions that will be called when the user is logged out
  ngUserAuthServiceProvider.addLogoutAction(function ($injector) {

  // the default permission name that every user needs to have to signal he is logged in
  // in case you want to periodically check the validity of the session.
  // don't forget to _NOT_ extend the validity of the token during the check in the backend, otherwise
  // the session will live forever with this check
        enabled: true, // should the check be enabled?
        checkUrl: '/sessioncheck', // endpoint URL for the HTTP GET
        interval: 30000, // interval in milliseconds
        onSessionInvalid: function () {} // callback function if session is invalid

  // in case you need a default/otherwise route, let ngUserAuth handle it by creating a handler function

UI route based authorization

Here are some basic examples. For further details please consult the demo application.

  // every state that does not have the data.anonymousAccessAllowed is protected and the user needs
  // to be logged in to visit it. if there are no permissions specified, at least the default permission
  // that can be set with setDefaultLoggedInPermissionName needs to be present
  .state('home', {
    url: '/home',
    template: '<h1>Home</h1>'

  // special permission required
  .state('secure', {
    url: '/secure',
    template: '<h1>Secure</h1>',
    data: {
      hasPermission: 'secret_agent',

  // anonymous access needs to be allowed on the login and logout URIs
  .state('login', {
    url: '/login',
    template: '<login></login>',
    data: {
      anonymousAccessAllowed: true

Element/directive based authorization

<div ua-permission="admin">
  <!-- this element is only shown if the user has the permission 'admin' -->

<div ua-permission="['admin', 'staff']">
  <!-- this element is only shown if the user has both the permission 'admin' AND 'staff'-->

<div ua-any-permission="['admin', 'superuser']">
  <!-- this element is only shown if the user has any of the permissions 'admin' OR 'staff' -->

<div ua-lacks-permission="superuser">
  <!-- this element is only shown if the user does NOT have the permission 'superuser' -->

Query/show login state

  .module('ngUserAuthSample', ['ngUserAuth'])
function sampleRun($rootScope, ngUserAuthService, ngUserAuthInfoService) {
  $rootScope.authService = ngUserAuthService;
  $rootScope.authInfoService = ngUserAuthInfoService;
      <!-- Here's some values to keep an eye on in the sample. -->
        ngAuthService.getUserToken(): {{authService.getUserToken()}}
        ngAuthInfoService.isLoggedIn(): {{authInfoService.isLoggedIn()}}
        ngAuthInfoService.getUser(): {{authInfoService.getUser()}}

Running the example application

If you want to clone the repo and run the example application please follow these steps:


This will download all dependencies and tools that are needed to run the demo:

  • npm install

Run example/demo page

This will start a web server on port 3000:

  • npm start


  • v2.0.7 (2017-11-07): Further remove dependencies to ui-router
  • v2.0.5 (2017-11-07): Allow custom state resolver to make compatible with ngRoute, remove dependency to ui-router, upgrade to angular-local-storage 0.2.7
  • v2.0.4 (2017-09-05): Fix toLowerCase problem
  • v2.0.3 (2017-09-05): Fix build
  • v2.0.2 (2017-09-05): Option to ignore case of permission names, watch attributes for changes
  • v2.0.1 (2017-08-29): Fix module bundling issues
  • v2.0.0 (2017-08-28): Use webpack to bundle application, change directive names to ua-permission, ua-any-permission, ua-lacks-permission
  • v1.1.2 (2017-04-21): Chore: update dependencies, fix Travis build
  • v1.1.1 (2017-04-21): Bugfix: only start session check when already logged in
  • v1.1.0 (2017-04-21): New feature: session check
  • v1.0.7 (2016-10-20): Fixed bug if response config doesn't have a timeout
  • v1.0.6 (2016-08-30): Fix logout issue, merge pull request #2


