
This is an Angular library that **provides a service for searching, filtering, and sorting arrays of objects**. [Angular]( does not support FilterPipe or OrderByPipe like AngularJS does. Instead, the docs declare:
angular filtering orderby search service sort


This is an Angular library that provides a service for searching, filtering, and sorting arrays of objects. Angular does not support FilterPipe or OrderByPipe like AngularJS does. Instead, the docs declare:

"Any capabilities that you would have put in a pipe and shared across the app can be written in a filtering/sorting service and injected into the component."

-Angular Pipes: No FilterPipe or OrderByPipe

The ng-searchfiltersort library fulfills that need for searching, filtering, and sorting arrays containing objects. It can search, filter, and sort objects with properties that are strings, booleans, numbers, and dates.


To install ng-searchfiltersort, run:

$ npm install ng-searchfiltersort --save

You can check out / download the service source code here: search-filter-sort.service.ts.


The SearchFilterSortService is intended to be used as a singleton. You will need to provide the module and call the forRoot() method, as well as provide the service.

Add to Module

In the file containing the @NgModule where you wish to inject module and service (for many projects, this will be app.module.ts), do the following:

// src/app/app.module.ts
// Import SearchFilterSort module and service
import { SearchFilterSortModule } from 'ng-searchfiltersort';
import { SearchFilterSortService } from 'ng-searchfiltersort';

  imports: [
  providers: [SearchFilterSortService],
export class AppModule { }

Implement in Components

In components that should use the SearchFilterSortService, be sure to import the service and add it to the component's constructor like so:

import { SearchFilterSortService } from 'ng-searchfiltersort';

export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private sfs: SearchFilterSortService) {}


The following methods are provided by SearchFilterSortService:

search(array, query, excludeProps?, dateFormat?)

The search() method filters an array of objects and returns only items that contain values matching the specified query. It accepts the following arguments:

  • array: object[] An array of objects is expected; any (any[]) array is accepted as type, but an error will be thrown if the array does not contain objects.
  • query: string The search query string.
  • excludeProps (optional): string|string[] Accepts a string or an array of strings specifying any properties that should not have their values searched for matches (e.g., IDs).
  • dateFormat (optional): string Accepts an Angular DatePipe format string that can be used to transform JavaScript or ISO dates in the array data into a format that users might actually use in a search query. For example, if a user searches for "November", you can pass the dateFormat argument as fullDate so that items with a value like 2017-11-25T23:43:08.444Z will be returned rather than ignored.

Note: If you are passing a dateFormat but don't wish to exclude properties from search, the excludeProps argument must be explicitly passed as a falsey value such as false, null, or undefined.

filter(array, property, value)

The filter() method can be used to filter an array of objects, returning only items with specified key/value pairs. It accepts the following arguments:

  • array: object[] An array of objects is expected; any (any[]) array is accepted as type, but an error will be thrown if the array does not contain objects.
  • prop: string The object property to check for a matching value.
  • value: any The desired value of the key/value pair to look for.

orderBy(array, prop, reverse?)

The orderBy() method sorts an array of objects by a specified property. Property values can be of type string, number, or boolean (but are expected to be consistent types across all objects in the array). If other value types are found instead, the original array will be returned unsorted. The method accepts the following arguments:

  • array: object[] An array of objects is expected; any (any[]) array is accepted as type, but an error will be thrown if the array does not contain objects.
  • prop: string The property that should be used to sort the array.
  • reverse (optional): boolean Specifies whether the order of sorting should be reversed. For example, if the value type of the property you specified is text, setting reverse to true will return the array from Z to A instead of the default A to Z.

orderByDate(array, prop, reverse?)

The orderByDate() method specifically sorts by dates.

  • array: object[] An array of objects is expected; any (any[]) array is accepted as type, but an error will be thrown if the array does not contain objects.
  • prop: string The property that should be used to sort the array. Dates are expected as values for the specified property. (An error will occur otherwise.)
  • reverse (optional): boolean Specifies whether the order of sorting should be reversed. For example, setting reverse to true will return the array in descending order (Dec to Jan | 2017 to 1992) instead of the default ascending (Jan to Dec | 1992 to 2017).


You can check out a demo Angular app showing how to use the ng-searchfiltersort library in the demo folder in this repository. See the folder's README for installation instructions.


MIT © Kim Maida

npm i ng-searchfiltersort


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kim Maida
  • released 3/1/2018

