
Angular directive: navigation bar for touch interfaces
browser angular angularjs touch ios android


npm installation

$ npm install ng-navigation-bar


Load the Angular Module

If you are using Browserify, you just need to require() the module:

var navbar = require('ng-navigation-bar');

Otherwise, you can load dist/navigation-bar.js in your HTML:

<script src="ng-navigation-bar/dist/navigation-bar.js"></script>

Then, add 'navigationBar' to your app requirements:

var app = angular.module('app', ['navigationBar']);

Add the Styles

If you are using Stylus (and you should!), you can require the Stylus module, which will allows you to define some parameters:

// Each parameter is optional
navbar-title-color = rgb(0, 0, 0) // Title color
navbar-button-color = rgb(21, 125, 251) // Buttons color
navbar-anim-duration = 0.6s // Animation duration
navbar-timing-function = cubic-bezier(.1, .7, .1, 1) // Animation easing

// Make sure that you define the parameters before the @import
@import 'ng-navigation-bar'

If you are not using Stylus, load dist/navigation-bar.css into your app, and have a look inside it if you need to change animation settings.

Use the navigation-bar directive

Add a navigation-bar element into your template, and a status attribute on it, which is an object containing the following properties:

  • title: the current title (String)
  • backLabel: the “Back” button label (optional, String)
  • actionLabel: the “Action” button label (optional, String)
  • onBack: the function to call when the “Back” button is clicked (Function)
  • onAction: the function to call when the “Action” button is clicked (Function)
  • move: the current animation, left-to-right or right-to-left ('ltr', 'rtl' or 'none', String)


require('ng-navigation-bar'); // Only with Browserify

var app = angular.module('app', ['navigationBar']);

app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {

  var baseStatus = {
    backLabel: 'Back',
    actionLabel: 'Next',
    onBack: function() {
      var newIndex = statuses.indexOf($scope.status) - 1;
      if (newIndex > -1) {
        $scope.status = statuses[newIndex];
        $scope.status.move = 'ltr';
        $scope.navigationBarStatus = $scope.status;
    onAction: function() {
      var newIndex = statuses.indexOf($scope.status) + 1;
      if (newIndex < statuses.length) {
        $scope.status = statuses[newIndex];
        $scope.status.move = 'rtl';
        $scope.navigationBarStatus = $scope.status;

  var statuses = [
    angular.extend({title: 'Screen 1'}, baseStatus),
    angular.extend({title: 'Screen 2'}, baseStatus),
    angular.extend({title: 'Screen 3'}, baseStatus)

  $scope.status = statuses[0];
<body ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <navigation-bar status="status"></navigation-bar>



npm i ng-navigation-bar


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Pierre Bertet
  • released 1/29/2014

