
Internals of neo4j-driver
neo4j driver

Core module of the Neo4j Driver for JavaScript

:warning: This package is not intended to be used by end users, it contains the abstractions used by the neo4j-driver to handle Neo4j connections.

This is a internal package shared by the neo4j-driver and the neo4j-driver-lite drivers. This package is responsible for high level pieces of the driver such as Session, Result, Record, some data types and the interface for Connection and ConnectionProvider.


The build of this package is handled by the root package of this repository.

First it is needed to install the mono-repo dependencies by running npm ci in the root of the repository. Then:

  • Build all could be performed with
npm run build
  • Build only the Core could be performed with Builind only Core:
npm run build -- --scope=neo4j-driver-core

This produces a Node.js module version under lib/.


The tests could be executed by running npm test in this package folder. For development, you can have the build tool rerun the tests each time you change the source code:

npm run test::watch

