
View Interface for nemo views (requires nemo-drivex and nemo-locatex plugins)
Nemo view interface


View Interface for nemo views.

Build Status


  1. Add dependencies to your package.json file and install
    "nemo": "^2.0.0",
    "nemo-view": "^2.0.0",
  1. Add nemo-view to your plugins nemo config
  "driver": {
  "plugins": {
    "view": {
      "module": "nemo-view",
      "arguments": ["path:locator"]
  "data": {


The locatorDefinition can either be a JSON object like this:

  "locator": ".myClass",
  "type": "css"

Where type is any of the selenium locator strategies. A locator or type CANNOT be empty/blank/absent in JSON object representation of locatorDefinition. An error will be thrown during the setup of nemo-view. If type under locatorDefinition is invalid (not amongst allowed types) then an error is thrown as well.

Or locatorDefinition can be a string like this:


String of the form <type>:<locator> or <locator> (where <type> will be assumed as css)

Writing a locator file

The locator JSON file describes elements and the locator strategy used for each one. The most common use case is to store all your locator files in the nemoBaseDir + /locator directory. The below example uses the JSON style locatorDefinition.


    "fooText": {
        "locator": "#foo input.texty",
        "type": "css"
    "fooButton": {
        "locator": "#foo input[type='button']",
        "type": "css"
    "barText": {
        "locator": "#bar input.texty",
        "type": "css"
    "barButton": {
        "locator": "#bar input[type='button']",
        "type": "css"
    "bingText": {
        "locator": "#bing input.texty",
        "type": "css"
    "bingButton": {
        "locator": "#bing input[type='button']",
        "type": "css"
    "bangText": {
        "locator": "#bang input.texty",
        "type": "css"
    "bangButton": {
        "locator": "#bang input[type='button']",
        "type": "css"
    "outBox": {
        "locator": "outy",
        "type": "id"

nemo-view supports for adding JavaScript-style comments in your json files as each file is processed by using shush

Using views

Note: code snippets are minus the require blocks for the sake of brevity. Please see unit tests for full files

Without locator files

If you don't have any locator files, or don't configure nemo-view to find locator files, you will still get back convenience methods on the nemo object:


Which can be used as follows:

describe('nemo-view @verySimple@', function () {
  before(function (done) {
    nemo = Nemo(done);

  after(function (done) {

  beforeEach(function (done) {
    util.waitForJSReady(nemo).then(util.doneSuccess(done), util.doneError(done));

  it('should use the form view to enter values and write to outy div @useView@', function (done) {
    nemo.view._find('css:#outy').getTagName().then(function (tn) {
      assert.equal(tn.toLowerCase(), 'div');
    nemo.view._finds('body').then(function (bodyArray) {
      return bodyArray[0].getTagName();
    }).then(function (tn) {
      assert.equal(tn.toLowerCase(), 'body');
    }).then(done, util.doneError(done));

These generic - or "underbar" - methods are defined below.

With locator files

If you've configured nemo-view properly, and have the following locator files:

   |- locator
      |- form.json
      |- formElementList.json
      |- select.json
      |- simple.json
      |- sub
         |- form.json

You will get back the following views on the nemo object:


Each including a set of helper methods for each locator as documented below. And usable as follows:

describe('nemo-view @simpleViewSuite@', function () {
  before(function(done) {
    nemo = Nemo(done);

  after(function(done) {

  beforeEach(function (done) {
    util.waitForJSReady(nemo).then(util.doneSuccess(done), util.doneError(done));

  it('should use the form view to enter values and write to outy div @useView@', function (done) {
    nemo.view.form.outBox().getText().then(function (outText) {
      assert.equal(outText, 'foobarbingbang');
    }, util.doneError(done));

Combining methods from with and without locator files

You can pass locators from [locatorName]By to underscore methods like _find or _finds etc. For example,

        //do stuff

Finding elements under another element

nemo.view._finds('div.fielder', nemo.view.simple.parentBanner()).then(function (divs) {
      //do stuff

Creating nemo plugins with self contained views and flows

You may want to publish complete flows as a nemo plugin. That way you can import the functionality and access as a plugin. The following is an example of that.

Please see the test/contained-functionality.js test file and test/plugin/shared-fn-plugin.js plugin file for an example of this.

View features

Generic/underbar methods

The following generic methods are added to nemo.view

_find(locatorDefinition[, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

@returns {Promise} resolves to a WebElement or rejected

_finds(locatorDefinition[, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

@returns {Promise} resolves to an array of WebElements or rejected

_present(locatorDefinition[, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

@returns {Promise} resolves to true or false

_visible(locatorDefinition[, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

@returns {Promise} resolves to true or false. Rejected if element is not found

_wait(locatorDefinition[, timeout [, msg]])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument timeout {Integer} (optional, default 5000) - ms to wait until rejecting

@argument msg {String} (optional) - Message to accompany error in failure case`

@returns {Promise} resolves to true or rejected

_waitVisible(locatorDefinition[, timeout [, msg]])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument timeout {Integer} (optional, default 5000) - ms to wait until rejecting

@argument msg {String} (optional) - Message to accompany error in failure case`

@returns {Promise} resolves to true or rejected

_optionValue(locatorDefinition, value [, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object}} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument value {String} - the value attribute of the option you wish to select

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

_optionText(locatorDefinition, text [, parentWebElement])

@argument locatorDefinition {String|Object}} - Please see locatorDefinition above

@argument text {String} - The text in the option you wish to select

@argument parentWebElement {WebElement} (optional, default driver) - parent WebElement to search elements underneath

_firstVisible(locatorObject[, timeout])

@argument locatorObject {Object} - Object of key/value pairs where the key describes the element to find and the value is a locatorDefinition (see above). Example would be:

  'loginerror': '.notification.notification-critical',
  'profile': '#contents[role=main]'

@argument timeout {Integer} (optional, default 5000) - ms to wait until rejecting

@returns {Promise} resolves to the found key (e.g. 'loginerror' or 'profile' from above example) or rejected

addView method

The addView method will be added to the nemo.view namespace with the following signature: nemo.view.addView(viewSpec, addToNamespace);

viewSpec {String|JSON} will be either a string, or a JSON object to define the view/locator. addToNamespace {boolean} (optional, defaults to true) if false nemo-view will not attach the view to the nemo.view namespace

Using the addView method, you can add a view at any time using the same formats and conventions as if you are adding them in the Nemo.setup() method. Examples:

//add using a locator in the autoBaseDir/locator directory
var myPage = nemo.view.addView('myPage');
var login = nemo.view.addView({
    "name": "login",
    "locator": "path:locator/loggedOut/login"
var addCard = nemo.view.addView({
    "name": "addCard",
    "locator": "module:nemo-paypal-locators/addCard"

The addView method will return the view object. It will also dedupe to prevent extra cycles adding the same view multiple times, or overwriting of a view with another of the same name.

locator methods

The view will create the following methods for each locator object:


  • arguments: none
  • returns: Promise which resolves to a WebElement or to a list if a list locator is used. Rejects if an error occurs.
The list locator

This is a special locator, which let's you find lists of related elements. For example, given the locator file formElementList.json:

  "inputGroup": {
    "locator": "div.fielder",
    "type": "css",
    "Elements": {
      "text": "input.texty",
      "button": "input[type='button']"

You will get a list of items, each with two properties text and button which themselves return WebElements when called.

    .then((elements) => {
      elements.forEach(function (el) {

[locatorName]By or [locatorName].by

  • arguments: none
  • returns: JSON locator object. You can use this, for example, to pass to selenium-webdriver until statements

[locatorName]Present or [locatorName].present

  • arguments: none
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true or false

[locatorName]Wait or [locatorName].wait

  • arguments
    • timeout {Number} time to wait in milliseconds
    • msg {String} optional. Message to accompany error in failure case
  • returns: Promise which resolves to WebElement when element is present, or reject

[locatorName]WaitVisible or [locatorName].waitVisible

  • arguments
    • timeout {Number} time to wait in milliseconds
    • msg {String} optional. Message to accompany error in failure case
  • returns: A promise which resolves to WebElement when element is both found and visible, or reject

[locatorName]Visible or [locatorName].visible

  • arguments: none
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true or false when element is present, or rejected if element is not present

[locatorName]OptionText or [locatorName].optionText

  • arguments
    • text: the text in the option you wish to select
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true when option is selected

[locatorName]OptionValue or [locatorName].optionValue

  • arguments
    • value: the value attribute of the option you wish to select
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true when option is selected Any method in the view object's prototype will also be available for use Other than that, the nemo-view uses nemo-locatex internally, so if you change your locator files and set LOCALE, nemo-view will handle the rest!

[locatorName]TextEquals or [locatorName].textEquals

  • arguments
    • value: the expected value for the element
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true when the expected text matches, or rejects when it doesn't

[locatorName]AttrEquals or [locatorName].attrEquals

  • arguments
    • attribute: attribute value to check
    • value: the expected value for the element
  • returns: Promise which resolves to true when the expected text matches, or rejects when it doesn't

Using locator specialization

You can specify different locator strings/strategies based on the data.locale configuration value. To do so, first modify the entry you wish to be specialized:

  "myLocator": {
    "type": "css",
    "locator": ".myLocator"

changes to

  "myLocator": {
    "default": {
       "type": "css",
       "locator": ".myLocator"
    "DE": {
      "type": "css",
      "locator": ".meinLocator"

You can set the data.locale property as follows:

nemo._config.set('data:locale', 'DE');

For a working example, refer to the unit tests for the locale feature (found in test/locale.js) in this module.

_NOTE: This feature is a carry-over from earlier versions of nemo-view. It is understood now that the above feature does not actually represent "locale" specificity as defined by bcp47 ( See discussion here and issue here. Follow along as we discuss a backwards compatible way to resolve this unfortunate nomenclature error.

Unit Tests

  • Unit tests run by default using headless browser PhantomJS. To run unit tests out of box, You must have PhantomJS installed on your system and must be present in the path

    • Download PhantomJS from here
    • On OSX, you can optionally use brew to install PhantomJS like brew install phantomjs
    • PhantomJS installation detailed guide on Ubuntu can be found here
  • If you want to run unit tests on your local browser, like lets say Firefox, you need to update browser in unit test configuration, for example the browser section under test/config/config.json like here

  • How to run unit tests?

    • npm run test:unit will just run unit tests
    • npm test - default grunt task will run linting as well as unit tests
    • To run directly using mocha assuming its globally installed on your system mocha -t 60s
    • Run using mocha on a specific test, mocha --grep @_visible@withParent@negative@ -t 60s
    • Or post npm install on nemo-view module, you can run node_modules/.bin/mocha --grep @_visible@withParent@negative@ -t 60s


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Matt Edelman
  • released 6/10/2015

