
Super simple Functional Programming helpers Curry and Monad
functional programming javascript fp curry monad maybe


Super simple fp helper, only two methods

  • curry
  • monad


$ npm install nb-simple-fp --save

Or Browser (an UMD version)

$ bower install nb-simple-fp --save

Please note, we use the jsnext:main for the ES6 version. Please check rollup for information


Recommend you start using ES6 Javascript now:


import {curry} from 'nb-simple-fp';

 * some practical examples 
 * they are from my other library nb-immutable-model 

import _ from 'lodash';

const checkKey = curry( function(method , param)
    if (!method(param)) {
        throw 'Expect key to be string!';
    return true;

// this is especially useful to setup some opion based methods 
const setupStorage = function(key = 'local')
    // the key can be local or session
    // some check here obmitted ... 

    this.engine = curry( function(storage , method , ...params)
        return storage[method](...params);
    }, window[key+'Storage']);	

// now to to use it 

this.engine('setItem' , this.checkKey(key) , dataToStore); // you get the idea 

There is no limit of how many parameter you need to pass, as long as you pass the enough parameter to your function (pre-curried function) then it will executed.

maybe monad

The code is based on James Sinclair excellent article THE MARVELLOUSLY MYSTERIOUS JAVASCRIPT MAYBE MONAD.

The different is this library is written in ES6 Javascript and ready to use with rollup.

import {Maybe} from 'nb-simple-fp';

// ... TBC 

Joel Chu (2016) London

npm i nb-simple-fp


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Joel Chu
  • released 11/28/2016

