
NB Moment Calendar core
moment calendar panes.js node.js bower npm


This is the base class for generator calendar using moment.js and lodash

This created because of another project I am working on - NB Angular Calendar

By separating them, the developer can have access just the underlying data.

UPDATE: Dec 2016 from V0.7.0 completely rewritten in ES6, and the export module will be in UMD format.


bower install nb-moment-calendar --save

In our bower.json file, I have set to use the locale version instead; because using the standard version cause a bug when try to change the start of week from Sunday to Monday (google it, lots of people have the same problem). If you don't want to include a big file. You can still do it by override it in your bower - with the locale files that you need.

     "override": {
         "moment": [

Or use it with your node / browsersify / webpack project

npm install nb-moment-calendar --save

// in your js

const NBMomentCalendar = require('nb-moment-calendar');
const calInstance = new NBMomentCalendar['default'](); // note this is due to the UMD export

var moment = new NBMomentCalendar['default']();


import NBMomentCalendar from 'nb-moment-calendar';

no fuss!


Clone this repo, cd into the root directory then

$ npm run demo

The file is demo.js.


We have a top level name space NB (In browser) and this package is MomentDateGenerator

 var nbMomentCalObj = new NBMomentCalendar.default();

Internally we guarantee the config get run at least once. But you could also provide your configuration as soon as you have init the instance.

By default we have the following options

var options = {
    locale: 'en-gb',
    localeConfig: {
        weekdaysMin: ['Mo' , 'Tu' , 'We' , 'Th' , 'Fr' , 'Sa' , 'Su'],
        week : {
            dow : 1 // Monday is the first day of the week

The following method pass to the init method like this:

moment.locale(this.options.locale , this.options.localeConfig);

The this.options will merge with your configuration first (see API below)


List of API available


Setup the moment configuration, note that moment is mutable, once we call the config, and we will reuse the same moment object internally. Until it gets re-init again.

note the previous setOptions move to a private method. This is the only method to call during init.


return the config options.

getMonth(year , month)

This is a breaking change in V0.7.0. It was call get before. But using ES6 get has a differnet meaning

  • year (int) 4 digit (or any moment accepted year format)
  • month (int) month in digit (not index!)

This method is a wrapper of getMergeMonth and lookup if there is a cache version first.

This will return (array) weeks (array by week index) in the format below

        'day': _date.format('D'),
        'wend': (wend===0 || wend===6),
        'fday': _date.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
        'wday': _date.isoWeekday()

We don't provide the underlying moment object because most of the time, you don't need it. So save some memory size. And if you need it, at the beginning of the call, if you use the getMoment method, you already got the original object. Then just create a clone to work with it.

var nbCalMoment = calInstance.getMoment(options);
var yourMomentClone = nbCalMoment().clone();

getYear(year , headingFormat)

  • year (int) year in 4 digit

Return (array) 12 months of padded month data. In the following format

    year: year
    month: month,
    heading: 'MMM YYYY' || headingFormat
    data: [blocks of months]

getMonths(year , month , months , headingFormat)

  • year (int) start year
  • month (int) start month
  • months (int) total months you want to retrieve from the start month
  • headingFormat (string) how you want to format the month heading

This will return the number of padded months you specified. In the same format as getYear

getRawMonths(year , month , months)

  • year (int) start year
  • month (int) start month
  • months (int) total months you want to retrieve from the start month

This will return the number of months (no padding) you specified.


There is a simple test file in the same folder, just run:

$ gulp dev

Will open your default browser.

And you can generate the compress version with. We are using rollup since the V0.7.0

$ npm run build

Joel Chu © 2015

-- EOF --

npm i nb-moment-calendar


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Joel Chu
  • released 12/7/2016

