
An ES6 class as a base to create immutable model with change detection
model immutable es6 javascript

nb-immutable-model v0.6.1

This is an ES6+ class for extending a model. Internally using Immutable data structure.

For non ES6 user. Please note the class name is NbImmutableModel (export module name).

The main interface is the setter $data and the getter $data.


This class required 3 Dependencies.

  • lodash
  • immutable
  • immutablediff


// create a new class that extends the Model
import NbImmutableModel from 'nb-immutable-model';

export default class Test extends NbImmutableModel {

        this.data = {id: 1 , count: 1};
        this.$data = this.data;

        return this.$data;

        this.$data = {count: this.data.count++};

Now when you use it.

const testInstance = new Test();

console.log('first' , testInstance.fetch());

console.log('second' , testInstance.add());

console.log('third' , testInstance.fetch());


$data (setter)

Pass your data object and store in a Immutable data structure

    const model = new NbImmutableModel();
    model.$data = {name: 'John Doe' , id: 1};

$data (getter)

Get your data back. Note this will convert the Immutable with toJS() method

    const model = new NbImmutableModel();
    model.$data = {name: 'Jane Doe' , id: 2};
    // getter
    const person = model.$data;
    // console.log(person) ==> {name: 'Jane Doe' , id: 2}
    model.$data = {pet: 'Bob'};
    const personWithPet = model.$data;
    // console.log(personWithPet) ==> {name: 'Jane Doe' , id: 2 , pet: 'Bob'}

$raw (getter)

This will return the current Immutable model.

$diff (getter)

This will return the data holds in the current immutable model as well as the diff compare to the last save.

    const model = new NbImmutableModel();
    model.$data = {name: 'John Doe' , id: 1};
    // try to change it
    model.$data = {id: 2};

    const change = model.$diff

    // console.log(change) ==> [{name: 'John Doe' , id: 2} , {id: 1}]

NbBrowserStorage (> V0.7.2)

The package now comes with a sub class of the NbImmutableModel.

Basically this allow you to use the browser localStorage or sessionStorage.

Highly recommend you do sub-class it instead of using it directly.

import {NbBrowserStorage} from 'nb-immutable-model';

export default class MyStorage extends NbBrowserStorage {

        // this require two parameter
        // 1. what type only two answers session or local
        // 2. the key you want to use to id your storage
        super('session' , 'MY_STORAGE_ID');


// then to use it

const ms = new MyStorage();

ms.$data = {'someKey': {id:1 , name: 'john doe'}};

const lastUser = ms.$data.someKey.name; 


npm i nb-immutable-model


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Joel Chu
  • released 11/29/2016

