
Permissions for both Android and IOS.
NativeScript JavaScript Android iOS permissions


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This Plugin is a wrap around Nathanael's nativescript-permissions plugin, while providing IOS Permissions with a matching API.


Describe your plugin installation steps. Ideally it would be something like:

tns plugin add nativescript-advanced-permissions


Right now to request the Camera Permissions, we use it like this

    import { hasCameraPermission, requestCameraPermission } from 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/camera';

    // also supports 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/files';
    // also supports 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/calendar';
    // also supports 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/location';

    if( !hasCameraPermission() ) {
        requestCameraPermission().then((hasPermission) => {
            if( hasPermission ) {
                // do something cool
            } else {
                // don't do something


this plugin has been split into smaller 'sub-modules', which when use give access to the specified permissions.

the sub-modules that we currently include are : files, calendar, location, camera

and for each sub-module we follow the same naming convention: requestXPermission/hasXPermission where x is the capitalised sub-module name.

Camera Module


    import { hasCameraPermission, requestCameraPermission } from 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/camera';

    if( !hasCameraPermission() ) {
        requestCameraPermission().then((hasPermission) => {
            if( hasPermission ) {
                // do something cool
            } else {
                // don't do something


Function Return Type Description
hasCameraPermission() boolean returns whether or not the application has the permissions to use the camera
requestCameraPermission() Promise requests the user to allow Camera Permissions, returns a truthy promise if they do, and returns falsy if they don't

Location Module


    import { goToAppSettings } from 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/core';
    import { hasLocationPermission, requestLocationPermission, isLocationEnabled } from 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/location';

    if ( isLocationEnabled() ) {

        if( !hasCameraPermission() ) {
            requestCameraPermission().then((hasPermission) => {
                if( hasPermission ) {
                    // do something cool
                } else {
                    // don't do something

    } else {
        // tell the user to enable Location Services.
        alert('Please Enable Location Settings...').then(() => goToAppSettings());


Function Return Type Description
hasLocationPermission() boolean returns whether or not the application has the permissions to use the Location Services
requestLocationPermission() Promise requests the user to allow Location Permissions, returns a truthy promise if they do, and returns falsy if they don't
isLocationEnabled() boolean returns whether or not the location services are enabled on device.

Calendar Module


    import { hasCalendarPermission, requestCalendarPermission } from 'nativescript-advanced-permissions/calendar';
        if( !hasCalendarPermission() ) {
            requestCalendarPermission().then((hasPermission) => {
                if( hasPermission ) {
                    // do something cool
                } else {
                    // don't do something


Function Return Type Description
hasCalendarPermission() boolean returns whether or not the application has the permissions to use the Calendar
requestCalendarPermission() Promise requests the user to allow Calendar Permissions, returns a truthy promise if they do, and returns falsy if they don't


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

Special Thanks!

Thanks to the genius Nathaniel Anderson for the Android Permissions Plugin, which i make use of in this plugin Nativescript-Permissions

npm i nativescript-advanced-permissions


