
Utilities for benchmarks and timers
benchmark nanobench timer


Utility functions for timers and benchmarks. Works well with nanobench.

npm install nanobench-utils


const { clock, memory } = require('nanobench-utils')
const bench = require('nanobench-utils/nanobench')

const bench = require('nanobench-utils/nanobench')

Usage as with nanobench. Additional methods on the b benchmark object provided are:

  • b.throughput(bytes): Set the throughput produced by this benchmark, to be logged as bytes per second.

  • b.time(name): Start a new timer name

  • b.timeLog(name, [message]): Log the current time of timer name

  • b.memory([message]): Log the current memory usage. The first diff is towards the start of the benchmark.

The utilities are also exported directly:

const timer = clock([name])

Start a new timer with optional name

  • timer.throughput(bytes): Set the throughput produced during this timer, to be logged as bytes per second.

  • timer.log([message]): Log elapsed time with optional message.

  • timer.debug([message]): As log, but print with debug (on the time target)

  • timer.ns(): get elapsed time in nanoseconds.

const mem = memory(gc = true)

Measure memory usage. If node is run with --expose-gc, the garbage collector is run before logging memory. This can be disabled with gc = false.

  • memory.log([message]): Log current memory usage and diff to last measurement, with optional message.


  • GPL-3.0
  • Whatever
  • Franz Heinzmann
  • released 5/13/2020

