
<img src="logo.png"/>

Run multiple simulated Cloudflare Workers in your project with multiflare utilizing the amazing miniflare and its mount option 🚀

This is useful if you have a lot of workers to orchestrate; maybe even in a monorepo. The workers can have their individual configuration in their own wrangler.toml.

🤔 Motivation

Developing with multiple workers can be difficult, especially if you want to simulate near-production environment. Multiflare proxies requests from subdomains to a local worker.

Imagine having a project with a few workers looking like this:

  • www: Static landing page
  • blog: GraphQL powered blog
  • chat: Live chat worker with durable object
  • api: Some other endpoints

Now you are able to access the workers like so:

Production via Cloudflare Development via multiflare




  • www.multiflare.test

  • blog.multiflare.test

  • chat.multiflare.test

  • api.multiflare.test

  • All these workers can share KV, Durable Objects, cache etc.

    Essentially everything miniflare offers can be used by multiflare:

    Miniflare is a simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers.

    • 🎉 Fun: develop workers easily with detailed logging, file watching and pretty error pages supporting source maps.
    • 🔋 Full-featured: supports most Workers features, including KV, Durable Objects, WebSockets, modules and more.
    • ⚡ Fully-local: test and develop Workers without an internet connection. Reload code on change quickly.

    All code examples in this readme are based on the example in this repository.

    📥 Installation

    Let's go! 👏

    yarn add multiflare --dev
    # or
    npm install --save-dev multiflare

    🧑‍🔧 Usage

    Running multiflare is easy:

    yarn multiflare ./example/multiflare/workers
    # or with ES modules
    NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules yarn multiflare ./example/multiflare/workers

    🔧 Setup

    Put all your workers as subdirectory in a common directory with their respective wrangler.toml files. Like so:

    └── workers
        ├── api
        │   ├── wrangler.toml
        │   └── …
        ├── website
        │   ├── wrangler.toml
        │   └── …
        └── account
            ├── wrangler.toml
            └── …

    🔀 Add local domain handling

    To simulate production environment it's useful to have a similar domain locally.

    For example if your production domain is you can easily add multiflare.test domain to your local machine just to have a similar environment.

    Simple setup for pre-defined subdomains

    Open and modify /etc/hosts:

    # Append to file multiflare.test www.multiflare.test api.multiflare.test blog.multiflare.test chat.multiflare.test
    Advanced setup for any domain (catch all)

    This describes the case for all *.test domains:

    1. Install dnsmasq: brew install dnsmasq (installation differs depending on your system)
    2. Add following line to /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf:
    1. Add following to /etc/resolv.conf
    search test
    1. Add file /etc/resolver/test with this line nameserver

    Configure wrangler.toml of the workers

    Put your domain(s) into the [] section, so multiflare is able to pick it up.


    name = "api"
    # 👇 This is key
    route = "api.multiflare.test/*"
    route = "*"


    name = "website"
    # 👇 This is key
    routes = ["multiflare.test/*", "www.multiflare.test/*"]
    routes = ["*", "*"]

    Now you should be ready to run multiflare! 👌

    yarn multiflare ./example/multiflare/workers
    # or with ES modules
    NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules yarn multiflare ./example/multiflare/workers

    Phew! That was a lot to take in. If you have any questions or something is not clear, please feel free to open an issue.


      directory                Root directory of workers.
      --https                  Serve via HTTPS. Be sure to also set --key and --cert
      --key <key>              Path to key file
      --cert <cert>            Path to cert file
      -p, --port <port>        Port where to serve from. Default: 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS
      -l, --log-level <level>  Log level: none, error, warn, info, debug, verbose (default: "info")
      -h, --help               display help for command



    export type MultiflareOptions = {
      rootDir: string
      https?: string
      key?: string
      cert?: string
      port?: string
      logLevel?: 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'verbose'
    declare const multiflare: (options: MultiflareOptions) => Promise<{
      stop: () => Promise<unknown>
      server: import('http').Server | import('https').Server
      miniflare: Miniflare
    export default multiflare

    Example usage:

    import multiflare from 'multiflare'
    const { stop } = await multiflare({
      rootDir: './workers',
    // later in time:
    await stop()
    npm i multiflare


    • MIT
    • >=16
    • dan-lee
    • released 11/28/2021

