
A Hypertrie wrapper that supports mounting of other Hypertries
mount mountable hypertrie


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A Hypertrie wrapper that supports mounting of sub-Hypertries.


A MountableHypertrie can be mounted within another MountableHypertrie by using the mount command:

const store = corestore(ram)
const trie1 = new MountableHypertrie(store)
const trie2 = new MountableHypertrie(store)

trie2.ready(() => {
  trie1.mount('/a', trie2.key, ...)

Assuming trie2 has a value 'hello' at /b/c:

trie1.get('/a/b/c', console.log) // Will return Buffer.from('hello')

A mount can be removed by performing a del on the mountpoint :

trie1.del('/a', err => {
  trie1.get('/a/b/c', console.log) // Will print `null`


mountable-hypertrie re-exposes the hypertrie API, with the addition of the following methods (and a different constructor):

const trie = new MountableHypertrie(corestore, key, opts)

  • corestore: any object that implements the corestore interface. For now, it's recommanded to use random-access-corestore
  • key is the hypertrie key
  • opts can contain any hypertrie options

trie.mount(path, key, opts, cb)

  • path is the mountpoint
  • key is the key for the MountableHypertrie to be mounted at path

opts can include:

  remotePath: '/remote/path', // An optional base path within the mount.
  version: 1                  // An optional checkout version

Note: We're still adding support for many hypertrie methods. Here's what's been implemented so far:

  • get
  • put
  • del
  • batch
  • iterator
  • list
  • createReadStream
  • createWriteStream
  • checkout
  • watch
  • createHistoryStream
  • createDiffStream



npm i mountable-hypertrie


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Andrew Osheroff
  • released 9/10/2020

