
MoonShine =========


A dash of Zappa for the client.

$(document).ready -> moonshine ->

  # Routing is based on the hash (without the `#` sign).

  @get '': ->
    ($ 'body').html @render 'index', title: 'Foo Bar'

  @get '/foo': ->
    ($ 'body').html @render 'foo'
    ($ '.boo').click =>
      @post '/boo'

  @get '/boo': ->
    ($ 'body').html @render 'boo', lines: [ 'hello', 'world' ]

  # Render may use HTML or CSS snippets:

  @view index: ->
    # HTML via coffeecup
    div ->
      h1 @title
      p 'Welcome!'
      p ->
        a href:'#/foo', 'Go foo!'
        span ' | '
        a href:'#/boo', 'Go boo!'

  @view foo: ->
    div ->
      a href:'#', 'Back home'
      a class:'boo' # This one is activated via a `.click` method above.

  @view boo: ->
    ul ->
      for line in @lines
        li -> line

    p -> "That's all folks!"


bower intall moonshine

Note: jQuery is used in the examples above to locate entities but is not required for moonshine to work.

API (root scope)

@helper inserts helpers inside views.

@view defines new (coffeecup) views.

@get routes based on the hash-tag.

API (route-handler scope)

@render view, {params} renders a view with the given parameters.

@post route, {query} re-routes, optionally with new query paramaters.

@redirect route re-routes by changing the hash-tag.

@query contains the query parameters sent by @post, if any.

npm i moonshinejs


