
Turn flat mongodb log entires into nice structured objects.
mongodb mongodb.js


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Turn mongod log entries to nice objects that are easy to work with.


var parseLog = require('mongodb-log').parse,
  line = 'Wed Mar 12 14:42:31 [initandlisten] db version v2.5.6-pre-';

console.log('`' +line + '` → ', parseLog(line));

var lines = [
  '2014-05-16T10:39:00.938-0400 [conn611] end connection (22 connections now open)',
  '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:9 virt:3514',
  '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400 [clientcursormon]  mapped (incl journal view):960',
  '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400 [clientcursormon]  connections:22',
  '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:9 virt:3514',
  '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400 [clientcursormon]  mapped (incl journal view):960',
  '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400 [clientcursormon]  connections:22'

console.log('lots of lines → ', parseLog(lines));

console.log('i even understand events! → ', parseLog([
  '2014-05-16T10:50:13.450-0400 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed',
  '2014-05-16T10:50:13.579-0400 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017'

will output

`Wed Mar 12 14:42:31 [initandlisten] db version v2.5.6-pre-` →  [
    name: 'initandlisten',
    message: 'db version v2.5.6-pre-',
    date: 'Wed Mar 12 14:42:31',
    event: null

lots of lines →  [
  { name: 'conn611',
    message: 'end connection (22 connections now open)',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:39:00.938-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: 'mem (MB) res:9 virt:3514',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: ' mapped (incl journal view):960',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: ' connections:22',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:43:24.840-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: 'mem (MB) res:9 virt:3514',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: ' mapped (incl journal view):960',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'clientcursormon',
    message: ' connections:22',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:48:24.926-0400',
    event: null }

i even understand events! →  [
  { name: 'initandlisten',
    message: 'recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:50:13.450-0400',
    event: null },
  { name: 'initandlisten',
    message: 'waiting for connections on port 27017',
    date: '2014-05-16T10:50:13.579-0400',
    event: { name: 'ready', data: {port: 27017} } }



MongoDB Log Format In-Depth

Elements to extract from log files


All log lines have these general values.


There are 4 datetime formats that need to be supported.

Datetime Format Example MongoDB Version
ctime Wed Dec 31 19:00:00.000 2.4
ctime-pre2.4 Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 < 2.4
iso8601-local 1969-12-31T19:00:00.000+0500 2.6
iso8601-utc 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z 2.6

They are at the beginning of a log line. The regex capture groups to be extracted are:

  • timestamp
  • timestamp_format
Threads / Connections

The thread is listed in square brackets after the timestamp. The example below shows two lines with threads conn611 and initandlisten.

2014-05-16T10:39:00.938-0400 [conn611] end connection (22
connections now open)
2014-05-16T10:50:13.450-0400 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present,
 no recovery needed

The regex capture group is thread.

Each connection is its own thread, for example conn611 above. While everything happening on that connection (including its end, see example above) has the correct thread name, the opening of the connection is handled by the initandlisten thread (in mongod) and the mongosMain thread (in mongos). It's often interesting to know when a certain connection was opened. Therefore, a second regex capture named conn is exposed, that returns the connection name even for the "connection accepted" log line. The connection name can be extracted from the #<number> value after the IP address and port.


2014-05-31T14:21:14.734-0400 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #14 (3 connections now open)
2014-05-31T14:21:14.734-0400 [conn14] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster
{ ismaster: 1 } keyUpdates:0 numYields:0  reslen:371 0ms
2014-05-31T14:21:14.735-0400 [conn14] end connection (2
connections now open)
line ## thread conn
1 initandlisten conn14
2 conn14 conn14
3 conn14 conn14


Some log lines are "operations" (query, getmore, update, delete, command). These do not match up with the OP_* opcodes of the wire protocol (e.g. commands are queries on a special .$cmd collection), but should be seen as "logical" operations. Operations have a type (query, getmore, update, delete, command), a namespace on which the operation is executed and a duration in milliseconds.

namespace format: namespace = {{ database name }}.{{ collection name }}

  • database names cannot have a "."
  • anything after the first "." is the collection name
    • the collection name also includes the index name
      • index name being of ${{ index name }} e.g. admin.system.system1.system.$index database = "admin", collection = "system.system1.system2.$index", index = "index"

The exposed regex capture groups are operation, namespace, database, collection, duration and index.

Some other events do not follow the operations pattern but still have a duration that is useful to extract, for example:

Tue Jan 28 21:46:14.886 [DataFileSync] flushing mmaps took 10973ms  for 21

The duration of these lines should also be extracted (here 10973 milliseconds) and exposed via the duration name.

Queries, Updates, Deletes

Query operations, as well as updates and deletes, have a query part to match a subset of documents. Example:

2014-05-31T14:20:56.002-0400 [conn16] query test.coll query: { query: { foo:
"value", bar: "another value" }, orderby: { number: -1.0 } } planSummary: EOF
ntoreturn:0 ntoskip:0 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) r:106 nreturned:0
reslen:20 12ms

The query here is { foo: "value", bar: "another value" }. The query shape of this query is { foo: 1, bar: 1}. The sort shape is { number: -1.0 } (sorts are always represented as shape, with only 1 or -1 as valid values).

The regex capture groups to extract are query (full query with values), query_shape, sort_shape.

Operation Stats

Some operations (mostly CRUD operations) return values for the following counters, which should be exposed as well:

  • nscanned
  • ntoreturn
  • ntoskip
  • nupdated
  • nreturned
  • ninserted
  • ndeleted
  • nmoved
  • numYields

Some operations require to take read/write locks. These lock times are measured in microseconds. They follow this pattern (an operation either prints read r or write w lock times, but not both).

locks(micros) r:106

In this case, the read lock was held for 106 microseconds.

The regex capture groups are r and w.


MongoDB logs a large number of unstructured event lines, that follow the simple pattern

{{timestamp}} [{{thread}}] {{description}}

Some of these events are generally more useful for issue diagnosis and should be extracted, for example

  • Start and termination of the server
  • Index builds (start, progress, end)
  • ...

Events have an event name (for example "ready", "index", ...) and optionally some data specific to the event. They are returned as a document of the form {"name": "index", "data": { ... }.

Full list of names to extract

  • R
  • W
  • timestamp
  • timestamp_format
  • thread
  • conn
  • operation
  • namespace
  • database
  • collection
  • duration
  • query
  • query_shape
  • sort_shape
  • index
  • nscanned
  • ntoreturn
  • ntoskip
  • nupdated
  • nreturned
  • ninserted
  • ndeleted
  • nmoved
  • numYields
  • r
  • w
  • event
npm i mongodb-log


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Lucas Hrabovsky
  • released 12/22/2014
