
Rate limiter and logger for actions by users or ips using mongoose
mongo rate limiter users actions


Rate limiter and logger for actions by users or ips using mongoose

Create a mongoose collection with actions (expirable).

User actions can be logged (post-chapter, comment, delete-comment, edit, create-account, ...). Each action is stored in a 24 hours table, expiring after that. Rate limits can be set, the module implementing them following a leaky bucket model.


const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const limiter = require('mongo-limiter');
const router = require('express').Router();

/* Do once */

   comment: {limit: 10, duration: 3600},
   post: {limit: 5, duration: 3600*24},
   edit: {limit: 20, duration: 3600}

/* Use case: authenticated user posts a comment on a website run with express / passport / mongoose.*/'/comment', (req, res, next) => {
  limiter.attempt(, 'comment', req.body).then(
    (success) => {
      if (!success) {
        res.statusCode = 429;
        return res.json({error: "You can only post 10 comments per hour"});
      /* Success! Post comment to database and return page */
      //success.remaining contains the remaining number of authorized actions
    }, err => next(err)); { /* Probably a mongoose error */

/* Use case: show 20 last actions done by user in the last 24 hour */
router.get('/logs', (req, res, next) => {
  limiter.logs({user:, limit: 20}).then(
    (actions) => {
    }, err => next(err));

Due to their unique string representations, variables of type ObjectId can be used as values for the user argument.


All the functions except for getting and setting the parameters return Promises.

.init(connection: mongoose.connection)

Initialize the connection to the mongo database, needed before any calls to the other functions.

.setLimits(limits: {action: {duration: Number, limit: Number}})

Set the limits. Example:

   comment: {limit: 10, duration: 3600},
   post: {limit: 5, duration: 3600*24},
   edit: {limit: 20, duration: 3600}


Get the limits previously set.

.attempt(user: String, action: String[, data])

Check if the given user is allowed to execute an action, returns false if not. If allowed, consider the action done and log it. data is added to the log of the action.

user can be an ip, an ObjectId, or any type with a proper string representation.

If data is considerable, like if it contains all of a long post's data, you may want to remove the long parts or just keep the title of the post.

Returned value:

  • false if the attempt failed
  • {remaining: Number} The remaining number of times the user can do the action

Changes in 0.1.0: This function now returns false in case the attempt fails, instead of an error

.possible(user, action)

Check if an action is possible and return true or false depending on it.

.remainingUses(user, action)

Check if an action is possible and returns the number of times it can be executed. If the action is not specified in limits, returns Infinity. If the action is not possible anymore, returns 0 or a negative number.

.action(user, action, data)

Consider an action done and log it, counting toward the limit set.


Return the logs for user actions in the last 24 hours, starting from the most recent. The following options can be used.

user (String)

If specifed, will only show the logs for the specified user.

action (String)

If specified, will only show the logs for that specific action type

limit (default: 50)

The maximum number of records to show. Use 0 for no limit.

MongoDb model

Model created:

// This module will create a Mongoose model 
// collection with schema:
UserActions = new mongoose.Schema({
    createdAt:     Date,   // indexed, expires after 24 hours
    user:          String, // indexed
    action:        String,
    data:          Schema.Types.Mixed // optional
npm i mongo-limiter


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • coyotte508
  • released 7/16/2018

