
benchmarks comparison for mongodb native driver 1.X and 2.X
mongo mongodb native driver benchmark

v1.X vs v2.X

Mongodb native driver has been changed a lot in 2.X (doc).

A simple test performs the same operations for each driver: connects to the specified or local db, runs each crud command 1000 times in series within _mongobench collection, reports total duration in ms.

Some common patters data shows

  • driver v2 is visibly faster on all basic CRUD queries when journal:false
  • driver v2 is visibly slower on inserts with journal:true
  • driver v2 is slightly faster on other crud with journal:true

Of course results depend on environment, mogno version, connection strings and somthing else.

mongod --journal

npm install
npm test

testing localhost mongo with journal:false
uri: mongodb://localhost/_mongobench?journal=false
opts: {}
drivers: v1.4.28 vs v2.0.13
running benchmarks...
│ n=1000, ms │ insert │ update │ remove │ save │ findAndModify │
│ v1         │ 1607   │ 1709   │ 1742   │ 1599 │ 1540          │
│ v2         │ 1264   │ 1360   │ 1423   │ 1257 │ 1273          │

testing localhost mongo with journal:true
uri: mongodb://localhost/_mongobench?journal=true
opts: {}
drivers: v1.4.28 vs v2.0.13
running benchmarks...
│ n=1000, ms │ insert │ update │ remove │ save  │ findAndModify │
│ v1         │ 23175  │ 37440  │ 37403  │ 36776 │ 25931         │
│ v2         │ 35607  │ 35660  │ 35590  │ 35569 │ 17693         │


You can pass customer connection string and replica set name

node index.js [connection string] [replica set name]
node index.js mongodb://,

See or trigger the benchmark on travis Build Status

npm i mongo-driver-benchmarks


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • bubenshchykov
  • released 1/21/2015

