
Monero libwallet native addon. Under development at the moment
Monero crypto currency cryptocurrency wallet nodejs


Wrapper for monero libwallet. All created wallet files are compatible with monero-wallet-cli and monero-wallet-rpc. Check example/index.js for usage examples of the library.


$ npm install monero-nodejs-libwallet

npm will try to find and download precompiled binaries for your node version, OS and architecture. Then include require statement in your js-code and use it:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');

If npm couldn't find proper binaries for your platform please refer to manual build section.

Manual Build

If you want to build the addon manually or there are no prebuilt binaries for your platform in npm repository please check the official monero guide on how to satisfy all the dependencies. After that you may compile the addon following these steps:

Checkout the repository:

$ git clone

Install prerequisites (example for ubuntu below)

$ sudo apt-get install libpcsclite-dev

Run build:

$ npm run build

Link your local build (using npm link command):

$ npm link

Then, in your project directory:

$ npm link monero-nodejs-libwallet

And use it in you source code:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');


Module Functions


Configures log level and output (file or stdout). Accepts integer log level (from 0 to 4) and optional output filename (skip it if you want log to write to stdout):

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
monero.setupLog(4, 'wallet.log'); //maximum logs into `wallet.log` file


Create new wallet asynchronously:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
    'path': path.join(__dirname, 'test-wallet'),
    'password': '123', 
    'network': 'mainnet',
    'daemonAddress': 'localhost:18081',
}).then((wallet) => console.log('New wallet succesfully created: ' + wallet.address()))
   .catch((e) => console.log('Failed to create new wallet: ' + e));

Arguments object:

property description required
path path to wallet file yes
password password yes
network one of mainnet (default) / stagenet / testnet no
daemonAddress remote node address yes
language language to generate mnemonics for ('English' is default) no

Returns promise object. Throws in case of arguments error.


Opens existing wallet asynchronously:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
    'path': path.join(__dirname, 'test-wallet'),
    'password': '123', 
    'network': 'mainnet',
    'daemonAddress': 'localhost:18081',
}).then((wallet) => console.log('New wallet succesfully created: ' + wallet.address()))
   .catch((e) => console.log('Failed to create new wallet: ' + e));

Arguments object:

property description required
path path to wallet file yes
password password yes
network one of mainnet (default) / stagenet / testnet no
daemonAddress remote node address yes
language language to generate mnemonics for ('English' is default) no

Returns promise object. Throws in case of arguments error.


Recovers wallet from seed mnemonic asynchronously

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
    'path': path.join(__dirname, 'test-wallet'),
    'password': '123', 
    'network': 'mainnet',
    'daemonAddress': 'localhost:18081',
    'restoreHeight': 1608000,
    'mnemonic': 'nifty inflamed against focus gasp ethics spying gulp tiger cogs evicted cohesive woken nylon erosion tell saved fatal alkaline acquire lemon maps hull imitate saved'
}).then((wallet) => console.log('New wallet succesfully created: ' + wallet.address()))
   .catch((e) => console.log('Failed to create new wallet: ' + e));

Arguments object:

property description required
path path to wallet file yes
password password yes
mnemonic seed phrase yes
daemonAddress remote node address yes
network one of mainnet (default) / stagenet / testnet no
restoreHeight height to restore wallet at no

Returns promise object. Throws in case of arguments error.


Checks if wallet exists:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
if (monero.walletExists(path.join(__dirname, 'test-wallet'))) {
    console.log('Wallet already exists');
} else {
    console.log('Wallet does not exist');

Returns boolean.


Generates new payment id:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
console.log('New payment id: ' + monero.genPaymentId());


Checks if given payment id is valid:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
if (monero.paymentIdValid('180b67533011df75b74333e62599c160f5484bf8bb98779598520dfb90633198')) {
    console.log('Payment id is valid');
} else {
    console.log('Payment id is not valid');


Checks if given monero address valid in certain network type:

const monero = require('monero-nodejs-libwallet');
if (monero.addressValid('44zrUGhyRHYbHYrfiGAtLdJMHfe5DtoFTBeVPCE6MGKzZA2bJ4tCJFuhYk3Wjp3YxEWoQU8So5xUiiArgnkBHZgX8Fyhv6e', 'mainnet')) {
    console.log('Address is valid');
} else {
    console.log('Address is not valid');

Wallet Functions


Returns an address of the wallet:

console.log('Wallet address: ' + wallet.address());


Returns mnemonic seed for the wallet:

console.log('Wallet seed: ' + wallet.seed());


Closes wallet asynchronously. Has one optional boolean argument to say to store wallet before closing (false by default).

    .then(() => {console.log("wallet closed")})
    .catch((e) => {console.log("unable to close wallet: " + e)});


Subscibes on wallet emitted events:

wallet.on('newBlock', function (height) {
    console.log("blockchain updated, height: " + height);
}).on('refreshed', function () {
    console.log("wallet is synchronized");
}).on('updated', function () {
}).on('unconfirmedMoneyReceived', function(tx, amount) {
    console.log("unconfirmed money received. tx: " + tx + ", amount: " + amount);
}).on('moneyReceived', function(tx, amount) {
    console.log("money received. tx: " + tx + ", amount: " + amount);
}).on('moneySpent', function(tx, amount) {
    console.log("money spent. tx: " + tx + ", amount: " + amount);


Unsubscribes from either one or all of events:'newBlock'); //unsubscribes from 'newBlock' events; // unsubscribes from all events


Asynchronously saves wallet into the file:
    .then(() => {console.log("wallet stored")})
    .catch((e) => {console.log("unable to store wallet: " + e)});


Creates pending transaction:

    'address': '44zrUGhyRHYbHYrfiGAtLdJMHfe5DtoFTBeVPCE6MGKzZA2bJ4tCJFuhYk3Wjp3YxEWoQU8So5xUiiArgnkBHZgX8Fyhv6e',
    'amount': '2000000000', //monero atomic units as string
}).then((tx) => {
    console.log("transaction created: " + tx.transactionsIds());
}).catch((e) => {
    sent = false;
    console.log("couldn't create transaction: " + e);

Accepts arguments object:

property description required
address valid monero address yes
amount monero atomic units as string yes
paymentId valid payment id no
mixin ring signature size (current minimum is 7) no

Throws in case of arguments error. Returns promise. then-callback accepts PendingTransaction object, catch-callback accepts error string.


Returns array of transaction info objects:

wallet.history().forEach((txInfo) => {
    console.log("id : " +;                           // transaction id (hash)
    console.log("direction : " + txInfo.direction);             // 'in' for incoming transactions, 'out' for outcoming ones
    console.log("pending : " + txInfo.pending);                 // 'true' if transaction has been included in a block
    console.log("failed : " + txInfo.failed);                   // 'true' if transaction hasn't been sent due to errors
    console.log("amount : " + txInfo.amount);                   // transaction amount (in atomic monero units as string)
    console.log("fee : " + txInfo.fee);                         // transaction fee (in atomic monero units as string)
    console.log("block height : " + txInfo.blockHeight);        // block height containing this transaction. 0 if pending
    console.log("subaddresses: " + txInfo.subAddresses);        // account subaddresses affected by this transaction
    console.log("subAddrAccount : " + txInfo.subAddrAccount);   // accounts affected by this transaction
    console.log("label : " + txInfo.label);                     // account label
    console.log("confirmations : " + txInfo.confirmations);     // number of transaction's confirmations
    console.log("unlock time : " + txInfo.unlockTime);          // transaction unlock time
    console.log("timestamp : " + txInfo.timestamp);             // transaction timestamp
    console.log("payment id : " + txInfo.paymentId);            // payment id. '0000000000000000' if absent

    txInfo.transfers.forEach((transfer) => {                        // transaction's transfers if any (not available if wallet has been restored)
        console.log("\ttransfer amount: " + transfer.amount);   // transfer amount
        console.log("\ttransfer address: " + transfer.address); // transfer address

Note: if you restored your wallet or resynced it from the begining you won't have transfers in wallet's history.


Returns current wallet file path:

console.log("wallet located at : " + wallet.path());


Returns current network type (either mainnet, stagenet or testnet):

console.log("network : " +;

secretViewKey, publicViewKey, secretSpendKey, publicSpendKey, publicMultisigSignerKey

Returns corresponding hex-encoded wallet key:

console.log("secret view key : " + wallet.secretViewKey());
console.log("public view key : " + wallet.publicViewKey());
console.log("secret spend key : " + wallet.secretSpendKey());
console.log("public spend key : " + wallet.publicSpendKey());
console.log("public spend key : " + wallet.publicMultisigSignerKey());


Sets new password to the wallet:


Returns wallet object.


Sets the blockchain height to start refresh from:


Returns wallet object.


console.log('refreshing from: ' + wallet.getRefreshFromBlockHeight());


Checks if wallet is connected to the daemon:

console.log('connected: ' + wallet.connected());

setTrustedDaemon, trustedDaemon

Sets trusted flag to the daemon:

if (wallet.trustedDamon()) {
    wallet.setTrustedDaemon(false); // trust no one

setTrustedDaemon returns wallet object.

balance, unlockedBalance

Returns wallet balance:

console.log('wallet: ' + wallet.address());
console.log('balance: ' + wallet.balance());
console.log('unlocked balance: ' + wallet.unlockedBalance());


Returns local blockchain height:

console.log('synced till: ' + wallet.blockchainHeight());


Returns remote node's blockhain height:

console.log('synchronized till: ' + wallet.daemonBlockchainHeight());


Checks if wallet is synchronized with a network:

console.log('wallet synchronized: ' + wallet.synchronized());


Stops synchronization.


Resumes synchronization.


Returns an object representing multisig wallet state:

var state = wallet.multisigState();
console.log('is multisig: ' + state.isMultisig);
console.log('is multisig ready: ' + state.isReady); //indicates multisig wallet creation process is finished
console.log('multisig threshold: ' + state.threshold); //number of required signatures
console.log('multisig total: ' +; //number of participants

signMessage, verifySignedMessage

These functions only allowed for non-multisig wallets. signMessage returns signature for arbitrary message. verifySignedMessage Verifies message's signature with public monero address. Returns true if the signature is valid:

var signature = wallet1.signMessage('Hello, world!');
console.log('signature valid: ' + wallet2.verifySignedMessage('Hello, world!', wallet1.address(), signature));

signMultisigParticipant, verifyMessageWithPublicKey

These functions only allowed for multisig wallets. signMultisigParticipant signs a message with your multisig public signer's key (Note: it's not equal to spend public key!) and returns the signature. verifyMessageWithPublicKey verifies message's signature with multisig public signer's key. Accepts message, multisig public signer's and the signature:

var signature = wallet1.signMultisigParticipant('Hello, world!');
var signerKey = wallet1.publicMultisigSignerKey();
console.log('signature valid: ' + wallet2.verifyMessageWithPublicKey('Hello, world!', signerKey, signature));


Returns serialized to string multisig info data necessary for multisig wallet creation (see example below).


Accepts multisig infos from all participants and the threshold to set wallet into multisig state (see example below). In case of N / N wallets it's the last step in wallet creation. In case of N - 1 / N wallets returns extra multisig info which must be passed to another participants.


Accepts extra multisig info (result of makeMultisig invocation) from all participants and finalizes N - 1 / N multisig wallet creation.

3 / 3 multisig wallet creation example:

var msigInfo1 = wallet1.getMultisigInfo();
var msigInfo2 = wallet2.getMultisigInfo();
var msigInfo3 = wallet3.getMultisigInfo();

wallet1.makeMultisig([msigInfo2, msigInfo3], 3);
wallet2.makeMultisig([msigInfo1, msigInfo3], 3);
wallet3.makeMultisig([msigInfo1, msigInfo2], 3);

console.log('multisig wallet created');
console.log('wallet1 address: ' + wallet1.address());
console.log('wallet2 address: ' + wallet2.address());
console.log('wallet3 address: ' + wallet3.address());

2 / 3 multisig wallet creation example:

var msigInfo1 = wallet1.getMultisigInfo();
var msigInfo2 = wallet2.getMultisigInfo();
var msigInfo3 = wallet3.getMultisigInfo();

var emsigInfo1 = wallet1.makeMultisig([msigInfo2, msigInfo3], 2);
var emsigInfo2 = wallet2.makeMultisig([msigInfo1, msigInfo3], 2);
var emsigInfo3 = wallet3.makeMultisig([msigInfo1, msigInfo2], 2);

wallet1.finalizeMultisig([emsigInfo2, emsigInfo3]);
wallet2.finalizeMultisig([emsigInfo1, emsigInfo3]);
wallet3.finalizeMultisig([emsigInfo1, emsigInfo2]);

console.log('multisig wallet created');
console.log('wallet1 address: ' + wallet1.address());
console.log('wallet2 address: ' + wallet2.address());
console.log('wallet3 address: ' + wallet3.address());


Returns string of exported partial key images (see example below).


Imports exported partial key images from other participants:

var ki1 = msigWallet1.exportMultisigImages();
var ki2 = msigWallet2.exportMultisigImages();
var ki3 = msigWallet3.exportMultisigImages();

msigWallet1.importMultisigImages([ki2, ki3]);
msigWallet2.importMultisigImages([ki1, ki3]);
msigWallet3.importMultisigImages([ki1, ki2]);


Deserializes multisig transaction from other participant. Returns promise object.

Pending Transaction's Functions


Asynchronously sends transaction into the network:

tx.commit().then(() => {
    console.log("transaction commited successfully");
}).catch((e) => {
    console.log("error on commiting transaction: " + e);


Returns amount of the transaction:

console.log("transaction amount: " + tx.amount());


Returns transaction fee:

console.log("transaction fee: " + tx.fee());


If generated transaction is too big libwallet splits it into several transactions. This method returns number of generated low-level transactions:

console.log("generated " + tx.transactionsCount() + ' low level transactions');


Returns transactions ids of newly generated pending transaction:

if (tx.transactionsCount() > 1) {
    for (i = 0; i < tx.transactionsCount(); i++) {
        console.log('transaction #' + i + ': ' + tx.transactionsIds()[i]);
} else {
    console.log('transaction id' + tx.transactionsIds());


Returns serialized multisig transaction which has to be passed to another participants for signature (see example below).


Signs multisig transaction:

    'address': '44zrUGhyRHYbHYrfiGAtLdJMHfe5DtoFTBeVPCE6MGKzZA2bJ4tCJFuhYk3Wjp3YxEWoQU8So5xUiiArgnkBHZgX8Fyhv6e',
    'amount': '2000000000',
}).then((tx) => {
    var signData = tx.multisigSignData();

    wallet2.restoreMultisigTransaction(signData).then((tx) => {
        console.log('multisig transaction restored successfully. Signing...');
    }).catch((e) => {
        console.log("couldn't restore multisig transaction: " + e);
}).catch((e) => {
    console.log("couldn't create transaction: " + e);


Returns an array of public signers key of participants who already signed this transaction:

console.log('participants already signed this transaction: ' + tx.signersKeys());

