
Format a moment instance as ObjectID-string for use in MongoDB queries
moment objectid mongodb timestamp


Format a moment instance as ObjectId-string for use in MongoDB queries.

As per spec an ObjectId contains a timestamp as the first eight bytes. Think of it this way: the _id field in MongoDB already contains a createdAt timestamp. Yay. And it's already indexed. Double yay!

This module extends the Moment prototype and adds a new toObjectId method. Note that it returns a string, not an instance of ObjectId (because this depends on the driver you use).


First do a npm install moment-objectid. Then require and execute it (the module returns a function).

//Patch the moment prototype.

Note: moment-objectid does not list moment as dependency, because then it would only patch its own dependency and not necessarily the moment you use in your code.


Example using Mongoose (if you're not using Mongoose, you need to wrap the returned string in a ObjectId. Mongoose does that for us.).

var moment = require('moment');

//All posts from October 2012.
var query = {
    _id: {
        $gte: moment('2012-10-01').toObjectId(),
        $lte: moment('2012-10-01').endOf('month').toObjectId()

BlogPost.find(query).exec(function(err, posts) {
    //Do stuff with the posts. Or don't. I'm not telling you how to live your life.
npm i moment-objectid


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alexander Prinzhorn
  • released 12/15/2013

