
angular model


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When storing model data in a service, you most likely will need to bind to it in your view(s). If we bind this data in multiple places we run the risk of loosing the instance if we aren't careful.

var myCtrl1 = function(myService) {
    $scope.arrayData =;

var myCtrl2 = function(myService) {
    $scope.arrayData =;

    $scope.getNewData = function() {
        $http.get("someUrl").success(res) {
            $scope.arrayData = res; // This causes us to loose our reference

This service provides an object that wraps an array, but always keeps the same instance when operations are performed on it.

// = new ModelList();

var myCtrl1 = function(myService) {
    $scope.arrayData =;

var myCtrl2 = function(myService) {
    $scope.arrayData =;

    $scope.getNewData = function() {
        $http.get("someUrl").success(res) {
            $scope.arrayData.overwrite(res); // Now our other controls arrayData updates with this one!

How To Use:


Just include the module into your app:

angular.module("myApp", ["ModuleList"]);


angular.module("myApp", ["ModelList"]).factory("myService", function(ModelList, $http) {
    var myService = new ModelList();

    myService.update = function() {
        $http.get("myUrl").success(function(res) {
    return myService;
.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, myService) {
    $scope.myService = myService;
.controller("myOtherCtrl", function($scope, myService) {
    $scope.myService = myService;

Use the getBindableList method to bind to directives.

<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <div ng-repeat="item in myService.getBindableList()">
    <button ng-click="myService.update()">
<div ng-controller="myOtherCtrl">
    <div ng-repeat="item in myService.getBindableList()">
    <button ng-click="myService.update()">

Both of the ng-repeat directives will be in sync when the list is updated.


var ModelLIst = require("modellist");

var list = new ModelList();

####Browser#### The ModelList class will be available on the window object

var list = new ModelList();


####Native methods:#### Most array methods are supported in their native form except a couple:

  • join
  • pop
  • push
  • reverse
  • shift
  • unshift
  • splice
  • sort
  • forEach: Uses a minimal implementation if not supported
  • some
  • every
  • indexOf: Uses a minimal implementation if not supported
  • lastIndexOf
  • reduce
  • reduceRight
  • map: (Chainable) Mutates the array and does not return a new array
  • concat: (Chainable) Mutates the array and does not return a new array
  • filter: (Chainable) Mutates the array and does not return a new array
  • slice: (Chainable) Mutates the array and does not return a new array

If your browser doesn't support the method natively, it won't be available.

####Custom methods:#####

  • get(Number:index): Gets an item at index
  • set(*, Number:index): (Chainable) Sets an item at index
  • clean(): (Chainable) Empties the array
  • overwrite(Array:array): (Chainable) Overwrites the array with the items in the new array
  • clone(): Returns a new ModelList object with a cloned list
  • getBindableList(): Returns the array. Only should be used for binding
  • pull(*): (Chainable) Removes object instances from the array
  • merge(Array:list, [Object:options]): (Chainable) Merges an array of objects with the list of objects. Useful for merging API responses while keeping the same object references.
    • [Function|String:options.comparator]: The comparator is used for matching 2 objects together. It can be an ID key or a custom compare function.
    • [Function:options.merger]): An optional merger function can be used to perform the merge. If omitted a default object extend will be performed.
    • [Function:options.accumulator]: An optional function to handle non matched elements. If omitted it will perform a splice of the element at it's position. If you transform the value in this function you must return it so the ModelList can keep track of it.
    • [Function:options.remover]: An optional function to handle elements in the list but not in the response. If omitted it will be a noop function.

A length property is also kept in sync just like native array behaviour.

####Static methods:####

  • create(Array:array, [Boolean:clone]) Returns a new instance of ModelList
  • convert(Object:object, [Boolean:deep]) Converts all array instances into ModelList instances
npm i modellist


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Steven Sojka
  • released 5/19/2014

