
Fast Mocha test reporter for the browser
matrix mocha mocha-reporter mocha-tests testing

This project is no longer maintained. Have a look at Mocha Bar.

Mocha Matrix

Mocha Matrix test reporter for the browser, inspired by tj/mocha-matrix.

Setup Instructions

Add Mocha Matrix to the devDependencies of your Node.js project: in the console, switch to your project folder and enter the following command.

npm install --save-dev mocha-matrix

Then edit the HTML file that runs the tests:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='../node_modules/mocha-matrix/mocha-matrix.css'>
<script src='../node_modules/mocha-matrix/index.js'></script>

And tell Mocha to use the reporter:

mocha.setup({ ui: 'bdd', reporter: Matrix });
npm i mocha-matrix


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Francesco Trotta
  • released 12/28/2018

