
Lazy bdd interface for mocha that provides RSpec-style let/subject macros for ES5+ projects.
mocha rspec lazy bdd let subject

Mocha Lazy BDD

This module provides a Lazy BDD interface to mocha. The interfaces is identical to the standard bdd interface, but also provides additional RSpec-style lazy/subject macros.

Example Spec

var expect = require('chai').expect;

describe('mocha-lazy-bdd', function() {
  describe('lazy', function() {
    lazy('value', function() {
      return 'i am lazy';
    it('returns the specified value', function() {
      expect(this.value).to.eq('i am lazy');

See this project's specs for more examples.

Installation and Usage

npm install --save-dev mocha-lazy-bdd
mocha -u mocha-lazy-bdd

Or in a browser environment: install mocha-lazy-bdd via bower and then include the distribution before mocha has been setup.


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Gordon L. Hempton
  • released 9/24/2015

