
Mocha but with tasks and feedback built into it!
mocha bdd annotated


Mocha but with tasks and feedback built into it!


npm install mocha-annotated


mocha --reporter mocha-annotated/spec --ui mocha-annotated/ui 'src/**/*.spec.js'

Note: Use the --bail flag so that you see at most one feedback message per test run.


The Mocha ui is mocha-annotated/ui and you can add it to your mocha options using:

--ui mocha-annotated/ui


Annotated spec reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/spec

Annotated json reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/json

Annotated json-stream reporter

--reporter mocha-annotated/json-stream


Use it.annotated(title, taskNumber, feedback, fn) in place of it(title, fn) to associate a task number and some descriptive feedback (preferably in markdown) with each test case.

Use strip_heredoc to format multi-line string templates by stripping leading whitespace, preserving newlines, and preserving indentation level. You do not need to import strip_heredoc, it is a part of the mocha-annotated UI.

For bonus fun, try using it.annotated.only(), xit.annotated(), and/or it.annotated.skip() just like you would with the normal it() blocks in your testing code!

import { expect } from 'chai';

describe('Beep#add', () => {
    // Test title
    'put a boop in the beep',
    // [Optional]: Test task number (1-based index)
    // The feedback to display when this specific test fails
      Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when \`fiddlesticks\` is _truthy_.
      if (fiddlesticks) {
    // The test function containing the expectations/assertions
    () => {

At the end of your test output, you will see the feedback for any failing test(s):

Using the mocha-annotated/spec reporter

  1) Task 1: put a boop in the beep
      Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when `fiddlesticks` is _truthy_.
      if (fiddlesticks) {

Using the mocha-annotated/json reporter

  "stats": {},
  "failures": [
      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"
  "tests": [
      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"
  "passes": []

Using the mocha-annotated/json-stream reporter

      "title": "put a boop in the beep",
      "task": 1,
      "feedback": "Whoops, we forgot to put a boop in our beep when `fiddlesticks` is _truthy_.\n\n```typescript\nif (fiddlesticks) {\n\tbeep.add('boop');\n}\n```",
      "fullTitle": "Beep#add put a boop in the beep",
      "duration": 1,
      "currentRetry": 0,
      "err": {
        "message": "expected [] to include 'boop'",
        "stack":"AssertionError: expected [] to include 'boop'\n"

Alternative Forms

While it.annotated(title, taskNumber, feedback, fn) works when a task number is known and the feedback is predetermined, there are alternative forms to support other situations:

  • Use it.annotated(title, feedback, fn) when there is no task number associated with the test.
  • Use it.annotated(title, taskNumber, fn) when there is no feedback associated with the test, or when feedback is included in a test assertion.
  • Use it.annotated(title, fn) when there is no task number associated with the test and feedback is undefined or dynamic (as above).

Following is an example of the dynamic feedback situation:

import { expect } from 'chai';

describe('Beep#add', () => {
    // Test title
    '2 + 2 = 4',
    // The test function containing the expectations/assertions
    () => {
      const result = Beep.add(2, 2);
      expect(result).to.equal(4, `We expected 2 + 2 = 4, but instead it is ${result}.`);

Annotated tests without predetermined feedback will also use messages from errors thrown within the test.

npm i mocha-annotated

