
A tiny (381B to 419B) utility to make a directory and its parents, recursively
mkdir make dir recursive mkdirp

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A tiny (381B to 419B) utility to make a directory and its parents, recursively

This is a Promise-based utility that recursively creates directories. It's effectively mkdir -p for Node.js.

This module is a fast and lightweight alternative to mkdirp. Check out Comparisons for more info!

Notice: Node v10.12.0 includes the recursive option for fs.mkdir and fs.mkdirSync.

const { mkdir } = require('fs');
const { promisify } = require('util');

const mkdirp = promisify(mkdir);

function mkdirs(str, opts={}) {
  return mkdirp(str, { ...opts, recursive:true });


$ npm install --save mk-dirs


There are two "versions" of mk-dirs available:


Node.js: >= 8.x
Size (gzip): 419 bytes
Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the primary/default mode. It makes use of async/await and util.promisify.


Node.js: >= 6.x
Size (gzip): 381 bytes
Availability: CommonJS, ES Module

This is the opt-in mode, ideal for scenarios where async usage cannot be supported.
In order to use it, simply make the following changes:

-import { mkdir } from 'mk-dirs';
+import { mkdir } from 'mk-dirs/sync';


$ pwd
# /Users/hello/world

$ tree
# .
import { mkdir } from 'mk-dirs';
import { resolve } from 'path';

// Async/await
try {
  let output = await mkdir('foo/bar/baz');
  console.log(output); //=> "/Users/hello/world/foo/bar/baz"
} catch (err) {

// Promises
mkdir('foo/bar/baz').then(output => {
  console.log(output); //=> "/Users/hello/world/foo/bar/baz"
}).catch(err => {

// Using `cwd` option
let dir = resolve('foo/bar');
await mkdir('hola/mundo', { cwd: dir });
//=> "/Users/hello/world/foo/bar/hola/mundo"
$ tree
# .
# └── foo
#     └── bar
#         └── baz
#         └── hola
#             └── mundo


mkdir(path, options={})

Returns: Promise<String>

Returns a Promise, which resolves with the full path (string) of the created directory.
Any file system errors will be thrown and must be caught manually.


Type: String

The directory to create.


Type: String
Default: .

The directory to resolve your path from.
Defaults to the process.cwd() – aka, the directory that your command is run within.


Type: Number
Default: 0o777 & (~process.umask())

The directory permissions to set.

Important: Must be in octal format!


Versus make-dir

  • mk-dirs is slightly faster
  • ...has zero dependencies
  • ...does offer cwd option
  • ...does not re-wrap an existing Promise
  • ...does not ship with a sync method
  • ...does not allow custom fs option

Versus mkdirp

  • mk-dirs is much faster
  • ...has zero dependencies
  • a Promise-based API
  • async/await ready!
  • tested on macOS, Linux, and Windows
  • ... has fixes for mkdirp issues: #96, #70, #66
  • ...includes a cwd option
  • ...does not ship with a sync method
  • ...does not allow custom fs option
  • ...does not bundle a CLI runtime


  • totalist - A tiny (195B to 224B) utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory
  • escalade - A tiny (183B) and fast utility to ascend parent directories
  • premove – A tiny (247B) utility to remove items recursively


MIT © Luke Edwards

npm i mk-dirs


  • MIT
  • >=6
  • Luke Edwards
  • released 8/19/2020

